O.K. so i had many many dreams last night. 6/12/07: I woke up at 5pm in the morning and wrote down words connected to what I had dreamed. The first word is "ballet". I can vaguely recall it. The next word is "French Girl". Now more of the dream is coming to me. I can remember seeing a French ballet girl and other ballet girls. Next word is "Magic". I can't remember. The next words are "Shrek and Pirates 3". I remember that part of my dream consisted of trying to see either movie in theaters on time. I was going to see it with my Aunt Carol, my dad, and Em. I remember on the way we stopped at a restaurant to make our own lunches. but we didn't have enough time and ended up leaving. Then in another dream we went to an Art Gallery showing children's art. Em and I were looking at two specific paintings that I can vaguely remember. I think I wanted to paint soimething and put it in the gallery. Next dream was very interesting, but actually a dream I've had before. Em and I were in a game of Halo 2. Not playing Halo2, in the game playing Halo 2. We were trying to kill each other with guns and flying space machines. After that dream I dreamt I was a red headed woman in her 30s. She had a baby. She knew it was a boy. It was a king's baby. The kings enemy was taking control of the kingdom and taking captives. The building I was in was searched. I wanted to save the baby from death so I lied and told them he had no father. I knew when he was older I could tell him he was the prince. I wasn't sure if the king would accept him though because I was a mistress ro the king, and although this was his first born son, he already had a queen that could give him children. When the boy was grown up and I was dying of old age, I told him the truth, that he was the son of a king, and I told him to get the thrown before the king died. Next dream, I was in a classroom with my old Political Science Teacher V.M. I'll give his initials but not his name incase stalker people read this, Anyways, I was in his class and I had done something amazing apparently because he said I deserved a special prize. He said I would be photographed and Jessica Simpson who worked at the school would personally give me a check. I ended up getting photographed and handed $20. Jessica Simpson never showed up -suprise . . . Em was there thuogh. We walked down the school corridors. The senior class was getting ready to leave on their Disneylsnd trip and they were having a party before they left. We looked over a balcony and saw the kids partying, and we wanted to join. We snuck down to the courtyard using a side door. We walked down some stairs and there was this music button that played video clips of music videos. It was set on rock and I recognized most of the songs. I decided that the empty grass area we were in needed a trampolene (or however you spell it. You know that thing that's round and you jump on it). I went in search of the trampolene, but ended up lost in a jungle with native people that spoke with a southern accent. It was weird. They took me to this abandoned museum. I fuond my glasses in the museum, which apprently I had lost. Then I found out that one of the native people that was with us was killing those around him. i ran out of the museum and flew back to the courtyard area. Then I listened to music again. I decided to make statues to impress V.M. There were already two statues and I decided to change them. One was a dog creature I decided to change into a deer. The other was a giant woman. I had Debra Messing there posing for me. Actually she was mostly complaining. She was saying that anyway she posed wouldn't look natural and the statue wouldn't look good. Then I woke up.
I think the reason I had so many dreams was because I slept in til 8:30am. I kept slightly waking up, turning over, then falling back asleep. My dreams were pretty vivid when i had them, but it took me a little while to remember them when I woke up. I had no cnotrol in my dreams, at all. I was completely submissive. Towards the end, I think I gained a little more control, but not that much. So much for lucid dreaming. It will come to me though. I'm just glad i didn't have any nightmares throughout all of those dreams.