Thursday, August 04, 2011

3 surveys circa 2006

(already posted)
A Bit Different From The Norm =]
Basic Bullshit.
What's your name?:Jessica
Your age would be nice to know.:19
Are you single or taken?:single
What is your least favorite color?:hmmm . . . orange . . .
What is the last thing on earth that you would like to do right now?:dying would suck . . .
What clothes are you wearing?:capris, shirt, jacket
What color is your bedroom?:some say peach, I say light golden tan, . . . who knows . . .
What is your least favorite food?:besides ham, cellery
What is your favorite food?:potatoes :) mash 'em, fry 'em, put 'em in a stew . . .
And your least favorite drink would be...?:Pepsi is EVIL!!!
In all honesty does myspace take up a great deal of your life?:It use to, but not so much anymore
If you could be any age, what would it be?:18472742908212478901273747, of course I'd probably be dead then . . .
Are you satisfied with the way you look and act?:not completely, but whatev
Is Bzoink a website that you visit often?:not really . . . advertise on your own time!
Do you do drugs and/or alcohol on a regular basis?:NO!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think you are capable of not eating for 5 days?:Capable yes . . . if by capable you mean weak and lying on the floor
What food and drink could you live off for the rest of your life?:besides ham and cellery?, ummm . . . spinach
Boys and Girls Are Fun.
Do looks really matter?:probably, but whatev . . .
Does size really matter?:well if you're being smooshed by an elephant guess it would . . .
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
If so, how long was that relationship?:386 years
What is your longest?:longest what? finger? eye lash? arm?
What quality do you find most attractive in a boy/girl?:blue eyes :)
Are you a virgin?:yup
If you are not, do you regret doing it with the person you lost "it" to?:blah . . .
If you are a virgin, are you in a rush to not be one anymore?:nope
Is PDA disgusting?:Poodles Driving Airplnes aren't disgusting, just crazy
Is there anything that you would change about your significant other?:you mean besides the fact that he doesn't exist?
Do you think you could marry a high school sweetheart?:It's a little late for that . . .
Would you ever consider having a long distance relationship?:I'd need a relationship first before it could become long distance
Long or Short hair?:I have short
Blue eyes or Brown eyes?:Hazel, which is a nice compromise
Tan or light skin?:light, I avoid the sun
Looks or Brains?:No I don't looks at brains, sorry that sounds dumb. So maybe not brains . . . but not looks either . . .is there another option? . . . how about personality?
Words Associations Are The Best!
Orange.:color=dumb, fruit=good
Cell phone.:number?
Samantha.:Momba, who?
Home.:Alone (a good movie)
Sex.: . . .
Death.:Cab For Cutie, a good band
Long Distance.:Relationship . . .
Gold.:plated piano strings
Running.:to the mall to get something cool that you can't live without, oh wait . . . did you want one word?
This or That.
7up or Sprite?:What's the difference?
Coke or Pepsi?:Coke, Pepsi must die
Boy or Girl?:I'm a girl who likes boys . . .
Run or Swim?:run
Drive or Fly?:I'll be like Harry Potter and fly while I drive
Ferrari or Corvet?:Ferrariness
VW or Ford?:VW
Cellular Device or Computer?:computer! Internet . . . SIMS . . . Videos . . .
Sex or Foreplay?:nope
O.C.D or A.D.D?:My sister has A.D.D., so I'll take that
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Friend?:friend
Mom or Dad?:both
Brother or Sister?:sisters
Food or Drink?:I'd like both thanks
Friends Aren't So Fun Sometimes.
Do you have any friends that you cannot depend on?:I dunno
Do you have a best friend whom you can depend on?:yup
Do you have more male or female friends?:female
Are they crazy or quiet, or both?:I've got friends of all kinds . . . crazy,outgoing, sane, not so sane, . . .
Is your best friend your boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
Do you sometimes hate your friends?:I don't see them enough 2 hate them
How long is your longest friendship?:ancient
Do you and your friends take myspace pictures together?:no, do people do that?
What do you and your friends normally do when you hang out?:see movies, talk, . . . normal human behavior
What is your best friend's name?:Maggie/Katie/Chelsie/Sarah
How old is he/she?:16/18/16/19
Are You Afraid Of...
Flying?:only when I can't
Birds?:oh yah, birds are terrifying. I'm afraid to go outside right now, I could be attacked by a pigeon . . .
Dogs?:I have 3
The Light?:A beam of light coming from a spaceship in the middle of the woods
Drowning?:underwater? yes . . .
Crossing bridges?:only rickety ones that are high over jagged rocks
Life?:are u serious?
PDA?:Yes, Poodles Driving Airplanes are scary
Crossing the street?:if it's a freeway, yes . . .
Walking around alone?:down an ally, in the middle of the night, in a dangerous part of town, . . . nah
The dark?:yah
Cemetaries?:no, cemetaries are cool
Physically fighting?:Nah, I could kick butt
Confrontation?:Is'nt that the same thing as pre-fighting?
The opposite sex?:only when they're murderers . . . or Micheal Jackson
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(already posted)A longer survey :

Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?:Jessica
Are you named after anyone?:nope
What's your screename?:hahaha . . .
Would you name a child of yours after you?:no, that's dumb
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?:hmmm . . . Elijah
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?:Katie
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?:they mess up my last name by adding an "s" to it
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?:nah
Your gender::female
If not, do you want to be?:maybe
Birthdate::february 27
Your age::19
Age you act:: . . .17 ?
Age you wish you were::24
Your height::5'10
Eye color::hazel
Happy with it?:I want blue, but green & brown isn't bad
Hair color::brown
Happy with it?:sure
Your living arrangement::home
Your family::complicated
Have any pets?:yup
Whats your job?:student
Obsessions?:he he he . . .
Addictions?:SIMS . . .
Do you speak another language?:si/wee
Have a favorite quote?:sure, I don't remember what it is, but I'm sure I have one . . .
Do you have a webpage?:nope
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?:sometimes
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:yes
Do you have any secrets?:yup, and I'm taking them 2 the grave
Do you hate yourself?:not usually
Do you like your handwriting?:yah
Do you have any bad habits?:nail biting, procrastinating
What is the compliment you get from most people?:I'm tall
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:The Invisible Girl
What's your biggest fear?:being eaten by a great white shark
Can you sing?:not well
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?:no, that's dumb
Are you a loner?:at times
What are your #1 priorities in life?:besides living, ummm . . . family, school, art
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:sure
Are you a daredevil?:no, that's probably why I'm still alive
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?:I don't have very good social skills
Are you passive or agressive?:which would make me passive
Do you have a journal?:no, I have storybooks
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:my imagination, and my lack of confidence
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:my weakness
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:yah, maybe a little too strong sometimes
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?:yah, . . . regret sucks
Do you think life has been good so far?:yah, I've had a decent life
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:love God, love people, love yourself
What do you like the most about your body?:I'm tall
And least?:I'm tall
Do you think you are good looking?:somewhat
Are you confident?:we've been through this . . .
What is the fictional character you are most like?:hmmm . . . I usually don't compare myself with fictional chracters, . . . maybe Louis . . . no se
Are you perceived wrongly?:am I preceived?
Do You...
Do drugs?:NO
Read the newspaper?:sometimes
Pray?:not usually
Go to church?:sometimes
Talk to strangers who IM you?:no, that's sort of creepy
Sleep with stuffed animals?:no
Take walks in the rain?:No one tkes walks in the rain, they just walk in the rain. I walk in the rain. I like the rain. I hate being cold. I don't mind being wet.
Talk to people even though you hate them?:yah, when I have to
Drive?:almost everyday
Like to drive fast?:no, 70mph is good enough
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?:no, it sucks
Hurt yourself?:on accident? all the time.
Been out of the country?:Scotland and Mexico!!!
Eaten something that made other people sick?:no
Been in love?:ummm . . . I don't think so . . .
Done drugs?:no
Gone skinny dipping?:no
Had a medical emergency?:once
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:ha, Emily . . .
Played strip poker?:no
Gotten beaten up?:no
Beaten someone up?:no
Been picked on?:depends on your definition of it
Been on stage?:yah
Slept outdoors?:camping rules!
Thought about suicide?:everyone thinks about suicide at least once in their life. Only a few people seriously consider it.
Pulled an all nighter?:no
If yes, what is your record?:.
Gone one day without food?:maybe
Talked on the phone all night?:no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?:no
Slept all day?:I tried, but I got hungry and bored so i got up
Killed someone?:Yah, last Tuesday, . . .
Made out with a stranger?:no
Had sex with a stranger?:no
Thought you're going crazy?:everyday :)
Kissed the same sex?:no
Done anything sexual with the same sex?:no
Been betrayed?:yes, I have 2 sisters
Had a dream that came true?:deja vu, it's freaky
Broken the law?:probably, but not a big law
Met a famous person?:no, I'm still waiting . . .
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?:spiders, but it they weren't accidents . . .
On purpose?:see above line
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?:probably
Stolen anything?:ha ha, Em . . .
Been on radio/tv?:no, I think I would remember that
Been in a mosh-pit?:no
Had a nervous breakdown?:no
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a dream that kept coming back?:yes
Belive in life on other planets?:The U.FO.s like Belgium Waffles
Miracles?: Juan Diego
Astrology?:Do I believe in the study of stars?
Magic?:Criss Angel :)
Santa?:ha ha ha
Luck?:of the Irish!
Love at first sight?:sure
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?:carma
Easter bunny?:no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:yes
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:Leprechauns . . . Lucky Charms is good . . .
Do you wish on stars?:You don't wish on stars monkey, you wish on asteroids or shooting stars . . . or weeds
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?:What's the "traditional" view? Odds are no.
Do you think God has a gender?:No
Do you believe in organized religion?:not really, It's something you should experince for yourself. Trying it as a group doesn't really work, at least not the way it should.
Where do you think we go when we die?:well I thought either "heaven" or "hell", but recently I learned about the Final Judgement Day so I'm not as sure.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:my aunt
Who is your best friend?:Maggie/Katie/Chelsie/Sarah
Who's the one person that knows most about you?:me :)
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?:Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind
Your favourite inside joke?:Emily . . . ha ha ha
Thing you're picked on most about?:monkeys
Who's your longest known friend?:Katie
Friends you miss being close to the most?:Chelsie
Last person you talked to online?:Maggie
Who do you talk to most online?:people
Who are you on the phone with most?:people
Who do you trust most?:Sarah
Who listens to your problems?:I dunno
Who do you fight most with?:Kitten!
Who's the nicest?:Sky
Who's the most outgoing?:Cinnamon
Who's the best singer?:Chica
Who's on your shit-list?:Paris Hilton
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?:no
Who's your second family?:I have one family, it's just spread out and divided
Do you always feel understood?:no
Who's the loudest friend?:Chrisie
Do you trust others easily?:sure
Who's house were you last at?:mom's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in::
Do your friends know you?:sure
Friend that lives farthest away::Katie
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?:man this is a long survey
What do you find romantic?:romance
Turn-off?:light? make up your mind!
First kiss?:yah . . .
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?:special
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going:yes
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out:blah
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv:I dunno
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?:maybe
What is best about the opposite sex?:they can be funny and spontaneous
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?:they can be controlling
What's the last present someone gave you?:a pen
Are you in love?:not today
Do you consider your significant other hot?:if I had one, then yes
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?:the ghosts of Lampy and Turtley
You wanted to kill?:hmmm . . . people who annoy me a lot
That you laughed at?:Sarah
That laughed at you?:Sarah
That turned you on?:Jared Leto, . . . he's hot times a million
You went shopping with?:Kari
That broke your heart?:nadie
To disappoint you?:nadie
To ask you out?:nadie
To make you cry?:nadie is a popular person . . .
To brighten up your day?:Dean
That you thought about?:Emily, I miss the monkey
You saw a movie with?:Lots of people, we watched Death to Smoochy
You talked to on the phone?:dad
You talked to through IM/ICQ?:no se
You saw?:dad
You lost?:I lost Emily and I never found her again . . . she probably went to the zoo . . . she's a monkey . . .
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?:no
Will it be with your significant other?:no
Or some random person?:no
What are you wearing right now?:clothes
Body part you're touching right now::my hair
What are you worried about right now?:my test tommorrow, getting gas in my car, buying a blue book in the morning, studying, sleeping, eating, . . .
What book are you reading?:I don't know. I need a new book 2 read. Any suggestions?
What's on your mousepad?:the lettters IBM
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling::tired, empty, hungry, drained, bored
Are you bored?:that's funny
Are you tired?:ha ha
Are you talking to anyone online?:no
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?:no
Are you lonely or content?:echo, echo, echo . . .
Are you listening to music?:no, just a commercial on T.V. It's for Valtrex. It's for adults with healthy immune systems. Ask your doctor about once daily Valtrex to stop genital herpes. Commercials suck.
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One more survey: (posted)

45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:acisseJ
What did you do last night?:sleep
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:pictures
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:no, I imgaine it would hurt . . . and taste like metal
Last time you swam in a pool?:last summer
What are you wearing?:clothing
How many cars have you owned?:two
Type of music you dislike most?:rap crap
Are you registered to vote?:yes, and I have voted. It's not that much fun . . .
Do you have cable?:yup
What kind of computer do you use?:a normal one
Ever made a prank phone call?:no
You like anyone right now?:Jared Leto and Edward Norton
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:maybe bungee jumping
Furthest place you ever traveled?:Scotland, but I wouldn't call sitting in a plane for 8 hours "travelling"
What's your favorite comic strip?:Calvin and Hobbes
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:Jose can you see, by the dawn's early light?, which so proudly we hailed, at the twilight's last gleaming, who brought stripes and white stars through the perilous fight, . ..
Shower, morning or night?:morning
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:American Psycho, it was scary. Unlike Urban Legend which was hilarious . . .
Favorite pizza toppings?:cheese!!!!
Chips or popcorn?:chips
What cell phone provider do you have?:Cingular
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:Is that even possible?
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:no, I'm too good 4 that
Orange Juice or apple?:Drink Apple Juice because O.J. will kill you . . .
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:dad and kari
favorite chocolate bar?:Crunch!!! I haven't had that in years . . .
Who is your longest friend and how long?:Katie, 4 years
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:not that long ago, . . .
Have you ever won a trophy?:yah
Favorite arcade game?:the one with the little critters that tke different color blass and you have to line them up with the same colored balls on the ceiling before it reaches the ground and u lose
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:QVC!!!! I got the Goo Goo Dolls: Let Love In CD/DVD!!!
Sprite or 7-UP?:both
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:no
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:probably a movie
Ever thrown up in public?:yah, tis not fun
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:who says millionaires can't find true love?
Do you believe in love at first sight?:sure
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?:SpongeBobSquarePants!!!! Jimmy sucks, he should go back to whatever planet he was kicked out of. Spongebob rules the 7 seas!!!!
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:no, it was short, and dumb looking. My style as a child was chosen by my mom, so I pretty much looked like a dork
What message is on your voicemail machine?:"Hi, this is Jessica, I'm not here right now so please leave a message"
Where would you like to go right now?:I was nt to go to Italy. I saw some pictures of thier art and architecture. I want to see it for myself. Italy looks sooo beautiful.
Whats the name of your pet?:Mraz,Sky,Chica,Misty,Cinnamon, or if I get confused, "monkey" always works.
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:It's a crappy backpack that I've had for 2 years. I have a notebook, the Bible, the Quran, some pencils and erasers, a hole punch, some post-its,my student ID card, . . .
What do you think about most?:besides school, my friends and family, health, future, death, theology, movies, music, art, celebrities, the past, why people do the things they do, my flaws, nature, dreams..
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