Monday, December 18, 2006


Life's Questions
Who Are Ya?
What do most people call you?:Jessica
What does your family call you?:Jessica
Your significant other? Pookie? Shnookums?:nada
How long have you been around?:18 years
Where are you at this very moment?:home
What's your most annoying trait?:lazyness
Tell me at least 5 good things about yourself::smart,artistic,friendly,helpful,loyal
Any funky body modifications going on?:???
Now that we know that...
Give me a good book to read::Well, my favorite is from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles . . .
Where's the best place you've ever gone on vacation?:Scotland!
Any pets?:yah, 4
Are you a TV person?:Yes, when it's good. House!!!
When do you normally shower?:in the morning
Where do you spend most of your time online?:in my room
What's your favorite song at the moment?:hmmm . . . hard 2 say. "Big Machine" maybe. or "Disease"
What's the best concert you've ever been to?:Green Day. They rocked!
If you were granted 3 wishes right now, what would they be? First wish::2 meet John Rzeznik
Second wish::2 have lots of money. That sounds bad, but I'd use it to buy a house and take care of my friends and family.
Third wish::find love, as lame as it sounds . . .
Can you name any constellations?:Oriens Belt, but only because I saw Men in Black
What's your favorite thing to wear?:jeans and a shirt
Who is the 4th incoming call on your phone?:I don't usually get calls . . .
What does your last text message SENT say?:I don't usually text . . . I'm not a cell phone person. I only use them when I have to.
School. You in it? Done with it? Planning on it?:I'm in college
Close your eyes. What did you see?:nothing, my eyes were shut.
What is the closest thing to you that is orange?:an orange highlighter
Movies. Which one is your favorite?:that's hard . . . LOTR maybe, Pirates of the Carribean maybe, Interview with a Vampire, . . .
Tell me a word or phrase that has meaning to you but possibly no one else::hmmm . . . "what will be will be", that's the first one that came to mind.
What is the last kind thing you've done? No matter how big or small?:I wrpped presents today so I guess giving gifts to people could count.
What's the last thing you've spent money on?:Presents . . . Christmas . . .
What are you picked on about most?:well it was for being tall, . . . now I don't know.
Is there one thing in life you absolutely hate?:people. they bug me sometimes. they can do some pretty messed up things.
Do you fold or crunch your toilet paper?:fold
Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible for a day?:wow, that's awesome. ummm fly. I've been invisible and it's not as much fun as it seems.
Who's the last person who made you laugh?:Sarah
Who knows the most about you?:hmmm . . . me?
If you could be cuddled up with anyone right now, who would it be?:I'm not in a cuddling mood. I'd rather just sit here.
Who can make you smile without fail?:Sarah, always funny . . . and Dean.
Who did you lose your virginity to? Do you regret it?:dumb question that doesn't apply to me
Who was the last person you went to the movies with?:my friend Maggie, my sister Emily, my dad, and my step-mom Kari
Who was the last person to tell you a secret?:Kari and Sarah, though I'm not sure they count as secrets
Who was the last person you fantasized about?:wow, ummm . . . I can't remember
Who is your hero?:well when I was younger it was Xena. Today I'm not sure I have a hero. There are so few people to look up to.
If you heard a knock on your door right now, who do you think it would be?:Kari although I don't know why she'd knock because she has a key beings this is her house.
Who is the last person who saw you cry?:Ummm . . . I can't remember the last time I cried. If I had to guess I'd say mom my because she used to make me cry all the time.
Who is the last person who caused you to cry?:mom
Name the 3rd person you ever kissed::nadie
What are your plans for tomorrow?:sleep in then go to work
How about friday?:cleaning the house for Christmas
What's your biggest fear?:dying
What's the most fun thing you've done this year?:hmmm . . . gone to Scotland
What is the last fruit you ate?:I had orange juice, does that count?
Do you have a job?:somewhat
What's the last gift you've received?:a pen . . . exciting I know
Describe your favorite place to be::in my bed listening to music
How do you feel about soulmates?:if they exist they're definitely hard to find
How much money is in your wallet?:$15, which I plan to spend on putting gas in my car
Where is the last place you drove to?:Best Buy
How old do you think you'll live to be?:82 years old
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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas and all the same old bull

I thought of something wise earlier. I should have written it down. It was a paradox of some sort, but I'm not sure what it's subject was. I guess it doesn't matter now. I was always told that if you forget something it must not have been that important. Well, it's Christmas time now. I've been decorating boxes for presents. It only occured to me abuot a day ago that Christmas is almost here. I'm seriously starting to dislike this holiday. It all seems wasteful and pointless. When I was younger I loved christmas because it was the one time a year beside my birthday that I would get presents and see family. Back then I looked forward to unwrapping presents that "santa" brought. Now I just see it as a hastle. I don't need anything and it seems stupid to come up with things I can ask people for. Besides, I always spend more time trying to get things I think people want. In the end, it's just junk they don't want. I look back and try to find the meaning behind this holiday. I am told this was the day Christ, our Lord and savior, was born. We celebrate giving and love for his birth. But I look around and that's not what I see. I see nothing of Jesus or God. The word Christmas and Happy Holidays I can find, but nothing of Christ. Saying his name seems strange as well. It's something holy and foreign. Hearing his name is almost as hard as finding signs of him, or some acknowledgement of his birth. Sometimes I wish we would stop buying dozens of presents and vow only to buy one gift for the people we love. One gift that shows how much we care for them - one gift to acknowledge how much they mean to us. Then we would gather around and acknowledge what brought us together. I hear songs of peace on earth, angels, and Christmas trees and I am annoyed. I hate Christmas songs. They're always the same, never changing, only distracting. Perhaps I have no authority to speak this way. I have barely read the Bible and I rarely go to church. Who's fault is that though? Our society wants to throw that which is Christian away to make room for tolerance of other religions. I would gladly step aside to make more room, but that doesn't mean we should throw all of our beliefs away. Why can't we accept other religions and celebrate our own at the same time? I can only hope that in the future, when we've moved past all of this prejudism and hate, that we can come together and truely share in all that really matters.

This was not what I initially intended to write, but I hear about this issue all the time now so I thought I should speak for what I believe.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fortune Cookie

"Admire a rose for its beauty, but beware of its thorns". That's what my fortune says. It's clever. That which is beautiful can also be cruel or harmful. It's like a beautiful person who seems alluring, but when you meet them they treat you like you're nothing and they are everything. Beauty blinds. And it hurts. Why is it so common that that which is beautiful is also evil? People get full of themselves and realize that they can use their beauty to hurt others. It's also common to believe that when someone is "beautiful" they are shallow and unintelligent.
Take Jessica Simpson for example. (No offense to those who like her). I saw a commercial of her yesterday. She was in a bar wearing a tight shirt and short shorts. A guy tries to smack her butt, but she pushed him on the ground and put her high heel on his neck. All I could think was, well when you dress like that how do you expect to be treated by guys? You're basically throwing out a welcome matt and saying, I dress like a slut so I must be one. I mean why dress that way of your own free will, it certainly doesn't look that comfortable. After tossing the guy on the ground she then turned to the camera and said, "I spent 7 weeks in a gym working to make this body perfect, so why don't you see the movie Dukes of Hazard to enjoy it?" I think I miss quoted, but that was the jist of what she said. She then went on to describe how the movie listings work, using some technical jargon. She then said, "I don't know what that all means, but it sounds good." So there you have it. A blond, fit woman wearing tight clothes and admitting she's an idiot to the camera. The sad part is you know there's some little girl out there who admires her for her singing (I don't know why though) and then wants to talk, dress, and act like her. I don't think, or at least I hope, that Jessica Simpson really isn't as dumb as she plays. She must have some depth. I think she hides it though to appeal to guys who like dumb, beautiful women. It's women like that -women who hide behind their beauty and act stupid to appeal to people- that really upset me. It's easy to rest on beauty when you look like that. It's easy to act dumb and pretend you know nothing. Where then is the effort? To make something of yourself you have to struggle somewhat and you have to give some sort of sacrifice. I think she lost out. She sacrificed more than she got in return. She gave up her true self to the world. She gave up the intelligent, unique, and deep self that lies within. It's a tragedy. It's sad that women fool themselves into believing that if they act like themselves or if they show who they really are people will not accept them and they will amount to nothing. They then put on a false smile and a fake personality that they think people expect of them. They act that way to get respect and attention, but in the end they get neither. Without that real, unique personality there is nothing worthwhile to hold people's attention. The fact they are not truely being themselves keeps people from giving them respect. I know I have strayed from my proverb. Perhaps proverbs have to be strayed from to find deeper wisdom. Proverbs are usually obvious anyways. Who didn't know before they read this that beauty can be appealing yet dangerous. I know before you read this you may have felt similarly towards the idea that women use their beauty to get by as well. The fact is we probably all think about the same things, but when never say them. Only when we do can we realize how much we think in common.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lo Siento

How many times have I said that phrase now? It has to be in the hundreds. Anyways, I'm here to talk about someone j'aime. When I see his picture I think of a gray past with a bright future. But now I'm just rambling on . . . what do I really want to talk about? I've gotten back into watching One Tree hill, but that's not exactly something to be proud of . . . I started watching it when it first came out, but then stopped because I couldn't stand the basketball. Now I've started again. The show started out good, it had an interesting view of several complex, intertwined relationships. Now it's just prepubescent drama. In one episode, a kid one the basketball championships only to have his pregnant girlfriend run over shortly after by a mob boss who was mad that the kid had one the game instead of losing it like he had tried to force him to do. Lucas didn't take his heart medication so as soon as the ambulance arrived to take care of the pregnant girl, he of course passed out. The kid had ran to the car with the mob boss inside (because he had crashed into some other cars), pulled the mob boss out and started beating him. Then the kid's dad ran to him and said, "He's dead. Run, I'll take the blame for his murder." So then the kid went back to his girlfriend and the dad got arrested. Stay tuned for the next episode . . . they all get abducted by aliens and sent to Jupiter where they play Survivor planet-style. It was great when the show first started because it was still somewhat believable. Now they're throwing anything and everything at it. I think at this point, everyone has slept with everyone at least once. Everyone has faught everyone and everyone has been in the hospital at least once. They should just start killing people off and bringing them back to life. That way everyone cuold have died at least once. Isn't that what happened to Buffy? Maybe I should make my own show. . .these T.V. producers obviously need some giudance.

Is it just me or does the pic I put on here rule? Goo John Rzeznik!
