Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sat. Aug. 11th

I had a great/bad dream last night. I dreamed I was back in school. Johnny Depp was my English teacher <3. I love English . . . Then my dream changed and I was in a Spanish Class. Miss Pineda was my teacher again. She seemed mad at me, and I don't blame her. I couldn't remember any Spanish! After 4 years I had forgotten almost all of it. She put me in Spanish 3 1/2 class instead of Spanish 5. It was really frustrating. I wanted to go back to English class. Me encanta Johnny Depp . . .

Anyways, back 2 reality. Mom put my dog Chica down last Wednesday. I wasn't that upset. Chica was getting old and although she seemed fine on the outside I knew she had liver failure and was in a lot of pain. I'm glad she's at peace now. She was a great dog. She always knew when I was sad. She'd come to me as I sat on the floor in my room crying. I'd hug her. She seemed to understand what I was going through even though no one else picked up on it. Dogs have that sixth sense about them. I always felt safe when she was around. I'll miss her.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ooookay . . ..

So it has been a while. I have given up on my dreamlog. I have lost interest. I'll keep my dreams with my sleep and my life in the present. Anyways, much has happened. Where 2 start. It all started at the 4th of July party. That's where I met Steven :)
Steven is my step-brother's friend's roomate. Did u follow that o.k.? Steven came to the party and he mostly spent time around Me, Maggie, and Em. Then the next night Steven Em and I saw the movie Transformers together. Pretty much every night since then Steven has come over and hungout at my house. We have watched Arrested Development Seasons 1-3 and many movies together. Good times. Then the weekend after the 4th of July Party I left for Stanford Sierra Camp w/ my family. It was sort of boring, but it was good to see family members tha I don't usually get a chance to see. It's pretty much the one time a year the whole family gets together. My uncle Brad and aunt Mary live all the way in Boston. Anyways, I then came back home. I spent a couple days traveling around San Jose with Maggie and Em. I went to Happy Hollow Park, which I hadn't been to in about 9 years. Around this time I started seeing a "life coach" named Marvin. He's half therapist, half life coach or job helper finder . . . yah. I should have listened to Em. It was a mistake to see Marve. At first it was great telling someone all the crap that had been building up inside me. But afterwords I always felt more depressed than when I had seen him. Marve is as effective a therapist as my family thereapist Glenda was. And that's pretty ineffective. Marve gives me advice that is overly idealistic and would never work in real life. He's also overly emotional, which makes it hard to explain things to. Anyway, Steven and I continued to hangout and get closer. It then became clear to me that he was officially a boyfriend. Wow. I've never had a boyfriend before. Half the time I'm thinking, "What the hell am I doing?" I'm always afraid I'll mess things up. So then I get an email from my mom. It says I need to call her imidiately because something important has happened. I call and find out my mom has a toomer (SPELLING?) in her overies or something. She has to get a historectomy. At this point I'm suprised, but not too terribly worried. A historectomy sounds fairly simple and is something doctors perform regularly. So, then I go to my dad and Kari and tell them that that weekend I'm going to my mom's house because she is sick. At this point I'm expecting them to give a thumbs up or some sign of support. Instead Kari says, "Oh no. Di's Bridal Shower is on Saturday . . . I want you to go." So Kari pretty much pulls rank and tells me I'm going to her sister's bridal shower and that i can go to mom's after. What bull. So I change my plans and decide to leave for Mom's on Tuesday. That way I can bring Magie with me to Oakdale for the first time. So I go to Di's bridal shower. I helped decorate, but other than that I might as well have been in outer space. They didn't really need me there. I was happy to got though and show my support. So, last Tuesday I went to Oakdale w/ Maggie. I showed her around Oakdale, Nightsfairy, and Columbia. We also went to the county fair. It doesn't get much more country than that. By Friday, Maggie was practicaly begging me to go home. She said she liked Oakdale a lot, but she missed her house and her Kingdom Hearts- which is understandable. I liked seeing Em, Mom, Chelsie, and Sarah. i didn't like when Em hugged me suddenly and I dropped/broke my CD Player. Damn. It was already partially broken but still functional. Now when the top is shut it says it is open and it won't play the CD. Lameness . . . Right now it's Saturday August 4th. If you have followed all of this, you are very talented. Later today I'm going to the Boardwalk with Em and Dad. Tommorrow Steven is coming over to hangout. Oh yah, I should probably mention that we kissed the Friday before Di's bridal shower. I would also like to mention that Chica was pretty much pronounced as a gonner by the vet. Mom is putting her down next week. My uncle Brad also had his appendix burst. I haven't gotten an update yet on how he's doing. Not this week, but next week I'm going back to oakdale. Mom's surgery is scheduled for that Wednesday and she asked me to be there to take care of Em and be there for her. What else . . . oh yah, there is a bit of scheduling issues between dad and my mom. Suprise. Dad was scheduled to take em to the fair. Mom spoke up and asked dad to let her take Em to the fair even though it was supposed to be "his time" with her. Now fair is done and dad feels he is entitled to three days with Em. The problem is the days he wants her she is busy with school stuff. Now mom has talked to the mediator and believes dad forfitted his time with Em and should let it go. Why do I know all this crap that in no way involves me? Because I'm told by both parents what is happening regardless of whether I want to know or not. It's stressful and I feel like I can't do anything about it when they tell me. i thought I was out of the middle, but low and behold they drag me back in . . . "If your dad asks you about the three days, just tell him to stop it. I'm going into surgery and can't handle his crap right now. I just can't . . ." - Mom. "She lied. She said Em had link crew stuff to do on Thursday and Friday, but she doesn't. I talked to the people in charge of link crew and they said nothing is happening on those day. Those are the days I want Em." - Dad. "Em has link crew stuff to sign up for on Monday through Wednesday. Then on Thursday and Friday she has actual link crew stuff to do." - Sarah. TMI . . .TMI . . . what's the "right" info . . .TMI . . .