Dream 6/10/07

I'm going to start keeping track of my dreams. Sort of a Dream diary. Then I can look back and analyze them like a crazy scientist. I remembered my dream a second ago but now I've forgot. It may take a little while for me to recall it . . . They say the first step in mastering lucid dreams is remembering the dreams you've had. I woke up remembering it just fine. Alright, first an observation. Why after tramatic events happen does everyone avct like nothing happened. My dad and Kair were just arguing in the car over what color to paint the house. The arguement started to escalate. Kari said, "Fine I obviously know nothing about paint so I'm leaving the coloring up to you." Dad said, "No, you obviously don't know anything about paint because the color scheme you want won't work." Kari said, "Fine then yuo do the paint." Then daad slammed on the brakes. I was sooo scared, sitting in the back seat silent. He started arguing again, then Kari said, "This is over. I never want to hear about the paint project again." Then dad drove us home. As soon as we got in the door, Kari acted happy and made a joke about what had happened. Something about the biggest marital fights being over house paint. I was still shaken so I went downstairs and turned on the T.V., in hopes that I would avoid any future arguement that may occur. So here I am typing this, still avoiding hearing an argument.
Anyways, back to the dream I had last night. Basically I dremaed that I wkoe up late for my test on Monday. It's a final for Latin American History. I had 30 minutes to leave the house. I got dressed, but for some reason I was moving at the speed of slow. I couldn't get anything done. And the time was just flying by. I also had to get to the school before class started to buy my Blue Book for the test. By the time I left my house it was 2 minutes until the test started. Then I woke up. I have that test tommorrow. I'm so not going to be late. It's strange though, whenever I remember the dream I still get the feeling that I'm rushed and going to be late for something. It's a crappy feeling. When you look at the clock and think "Oh crap, there's no way I can make it . . ."
Crappy dream, tommorrows will be better!
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