Monday, June 11, 2007

Dream Sequence

6/11/07 - Last night I had several dreams that all seemed to run together. First I dreamed I was an adult woman with a son, a daughter, and a husband. My husband divorced me, and I was a "Starterwife". (Probably because I watched that show last night). I was at the beach with my kids, playing in the sand and shallow water. Then my dream changed to this Academy Award type show. There were many celebrities there and it was bright yellow and orange colored. There were lots of people sitting in rows, and I was part of the audience. It started with America's Next Top Models giong down a runway and posing. Then I dreamed a tween girl came out and introduced singer Jesse Mcartney. I think that's his name. He's a "poster boy". You know, one of those clean cut older teens that young girls fawn over. Anyways, he was singing on stage and the tween girl was swaying and dancing on stage to the music. The audience got pretty into it. Then Dwight Yokum got on stage and started playing his guitar to the music. Later the dream changed and Dwight yokum and Tobey Keith were in the forest next to some trailers. they were getting their horses. Keith was hesitant about bringing them into the new area down a secret trail so he didn't have to pay a traveling tax for his horses when he crossed the border. Dwight told him not to worry and said that way was best. Then I woke up. Dreams are weird . . .


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