Lo Siento

How many times have I said that phrase now? It has to be in the hundreds. Anyways, I'm here to talk about someone j'aime. When I see his picture I think of a gray past with a bright future. But now I'm just rambling on . . . what do I really want to talk about? I've gotten back into watching One Tree hill, but that's not exactly something to be proud of . . . I started watching it when it first came out, but then stopped because I couldn't stand the basketball. Now I've started again. The show started out good, it had an interesting view of several complex, intertwined relationships. Now it's just prepubescent drama. In one episode, a kid one the basketball championships only to have his pregnant girlfriend run over shortly after by a mob boss who was mad that the kid had one the game instead of losing it like he had tried to force him to do. Lucas didn't take his heart medication so as soon as the ambulance arrived to take care of the pregnant girl, he of course passed out. The kid had ran to the car with the mob boss inside (because he had crashed into some other cars), pulled the mob boss out and started beating him. Then the kid's dad ran to him and said, "He's dead. Run, I'll take the blame for his murder." So then the kid went back to his girlfriend and the dad got arrested. Stay tuned for the next episode . . . they all get abducted by aliens and sent to Jupiter where they play Survivor planet-style. It was great when the show first started because it was still somewhat believable. Now they're throwing anything and everything at it. I think at this point, everyone has slept with everyone at least once. Everyone has faught everyone and everyone has been in the hospital at least once. They should just start killing people off and bringing them back to life. That way everyone cuold have died at least once. Isn't that what happened to Buffy? Maybe I should make my own show. . .these T.V. producers obviously need some giudance.
Is it just me or does the pic I put on here rule? Goo John Rzeznik!
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