It's Been A While
Prompt#27 : Write a story about an empty glass.
Once upon a time, there was an empty glass. Then it broke. The End.
Wow, that was a great prompt. alright, now for the real prompt.
Prompt#98 : Write about how you felt when you discovered you were lied to.
Let me think for a moment. It's not everyday that I discover I'm lied to. I can't recall the time, but I know it happened. I can also probably figure out how I felt about it. Betrayed is a word that comes to mind. For a lie to mean something it usually has to come from someone you trust. If someone on the street lies to you, you don't care and eventually froget about it all together. If a parent or sibling lies to you, the cut is much deeper. Odds are, the person would not tell me they lied to me. It would have to reveal itself to me some other way. I remeber that time now. Mom said that Dean(my step-dad) felt that I didn't love him. That day I had made a mistake while driving my car with him in the drivers seat. He had tried to show me a short cut and I got confused and didn't make the right turn. I got upset. Dean tried to tell me what to do, but
I felt stupid so I pretended that I already knew what he was saying. I ignored his advice and ended up turning the car around and heading the way I usually did. There was some tension between us. Later my mom came in my room and said that I had distrespected Dean and he wondered ifI even loved him. My mom said she was ashamed of me and wanted me to apologize to Dean right away. She also added that if I ever disrespected Dean again, that I would be grounded to the end of the century. I went downstais and found Dean sitting on the couch watching T.V. I had been crying and I told him through my sobs that I was sorry and I didn't mean to disrespect him. He said he understood and he wasn't upset with me. I told Dean that mom had told me he thought I didn't love him. I said I did. Then he told me he hadn't said that and he only wanted me to listen to him better when he was trying to help me. I was happy that Dean and I had talked and solved the issue. However, I was very upset at my mom for telling me that Dean thought I didn't love him. What kind of a person says something like that?
Even though it's not the first messed up thing my mom has told me, it was probably the one that hurt the most. She had lied to me to make me feel guilty. Whoever said "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" obviously never met my mom. I'm just glad I'mnot at her house to hear anymore lies and guilt trips. But now I've made my mom sound like an evil villan. I have to set the rercord strait. I don't hate my mom. She has supported me and protected me for 18 years. I appreciate all that she has done for me. I just hope that one day she realizes why I chose to move away from her. It's not that I don't love her, it's just that sometimes she causes me more pain than I can handle.
~ Jessica