Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Birds of a feather Blog together

I found a place that lists over 200 prompts. I've decided to do some. Here's the first:
#16 Where do you go when you want to get away from the pressures of life, family, work, etc? Write about that place.

When I want to relax, watching a movie or T.V. show usually helps to distract me from the stresses of life. When that doesn't seem to be working, I go in my room, sit on the floor, and listen to music. Sometimes I draw. I've had to deal with a lot over the years and I think it's important to manage stress instead of letting it build up inside. There have been times when I have become emotionally broken down from all of the stress. There was a lot and when people would ask me what was wrong, I kept it all hidden inside. I always fear what people will think of me. In some weird way, showing my emotions could be seen as inner weakness. I always wanted to seem stronger than I really was. Like everything bad that was going on around me had no real affect on me. Now I feel like I've built a wall around myself and I'm trapped inside. Of course, it's one thing to list all of my flaws, and another entirely to fix them. Perhaps one day, I'll sort out my issues and learn to open up more. Until then, I'll manage my stress and inner issues on my own.

~ Jessica


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