Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Hungersome

I'm hungry, but that's nothing new. I usually snack all day. I just got finished writing my 4 page,1300 word essay on art from the 1400s to the 1600s. I was suppose to discuss how art changed from the God- centered world to the Man-centered world. It was long, but I'm glad it's over. Noq have a question. Are we currently living in a God-centered world or a Man-centered world? Never mind, that question is easy. It's a Man-centered world. At least in America it is . . . America lost sight of religion a couple decades ago -probably when it started doing drugs- and now most people don't belive in God, and the ones who do live in small communities and are seen as crazy and uptight. I guess it's harder to believe in god when no one mentions Him or prays to Him. Also, were surrounded by everything man-made and live in everything man-made, so it gets harder to recognize things that are God-made. Humans, nature, human nature, . . . that's about it. I look outside my man-made window and see a God-made flower, some God-made grass, a man-made fence, a man-made poll, and a man-made street. i think what separates what is man-made from what is God-made is beauty. God's trees, oceans, earth and humans are beautiful. man's fences, wires, lights, and streets aren't so beautiful. Every once in a while Man makes something that is truelly beautiful and miraculous. Then it's either blown up in war or degraded by critics. Well this was an interesting blog. I have 3 surveys that I did recently though, and I think I'm giong to add one of them to this blog. Yah . . . that sounds good.
A Bit Different From The Norm =]
Basic Bullshit.
What's your name?:Jessica
Your age would be nice to know.:19
Are you single or taken?:single
What is your least favorite color?:hmmm . . . orange . . .
What is the last thing on earth that you would like to do right now?:dying would suck . . .
What clothes are you wearing?:capris, shirt, jacket
What color is your bedroom?:some say peach, I say light golden tan, . . . who knows . . .
What is your least favorite food?:besides ham, cellery
What is your favorite food?:potatoes :) mash 'em, fry 'em, put 'em in a stew . . .
And your least favorite drink would be...?:Pepsi is EVIL!!!
In all honesty does myspace take up a great deal of your life?:It use to, but not so much anymore
If you could be any age, what would it be?:18472742908212478901273747, of course I'd probably be dead then . . .
Are you satisfied with the way you look and act?:not completely, but whatev
Is Bzoink a website that you visit often?:not really . . . advertise on your own time!
Do you do drugs and/or alcohol on a regular basis?:NO!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think you are capable of not eating for 5 days?:Capable yes . . . if by capable you mean weak and lying on the floor
What food and drink could you live off for the rest of your life?:besides ham and cellery?, ummm . . . spinach
Boys and Girls Are Fun.
Do looks really matter?:probably, but whatev . . .
Does size really matter?:well if you're being smooshed by an elephant guess it would . . .
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
If so, how long was that relationship?:386 years
What is your longest?:longest what? finger? eye lash? arm?
What quality do you find most attractive in a boy/girl?:blue eyes :)
Are you a virgin?:yup
If you are not, do you regret doing it with the person you lost "it" to?:blah . . .
If you are a virgin, are you in a rush to not be one anymore?:nope
Is PDA disgusting?:Poodles Driving Airplnes aren't disgusting, just crazy
Is there anything that you would change about your significant other?:you mean besides the fact that he doesn't exist?
Do you think you could marry a high school sweetheart?:It's a little late for that . . .
Would you ever consider having a long distance relationship?:I'd need a relationship first before it could become long distance
Long or Short hair?:I have short
Blue eyes or Brown eyes?:Hazel, which is a nice compromise
Tan or light skin?:light, I avoid the sun
Looks or Brains?:No I don't looks at brains, sorry that sounds dumb. So maybe not brains . . . but not looks either . . .is there another option? . . . how about personality?
Words Associations Are The Best!
Orange.:color=dumb, fruit=good
Cell phone.:number?
Samantha.:Momba, who?
Home.:Alone (a good movie)
Sex.: . . .
Death.:Cab For Cutie, a good band
Long Distance.:Relationship . . .
Gold.:plated piano strings
Running.:to the mall to get something cool that you can't live without, oh wait . . . did you want one word?
This or That.
7up or Sprite?:What's the difference?
Coke or Pepsi?:Coke, Pepsi must die
Boy or Girl?:I'm a girl who likes boys . . .
Run or Swim?:run
Drive or Fly?:I'll be like Harry Potter and fly while I drive
Ferrari or Corvet?:Ferrariness
VW or Ford?:VW
Cellular Device or Computer?:computer! Internet . . . SIMS . . . Videos . . .
Sex or Foreplay?:nope
O.C.D or A.D.D?:My sister has A.D.D., so I'll take that
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Friend?:friend
Mom or Dad?:both
Brother or Sister?:sisters
Food or Drink?:I'd like both thanks
Friends Aren't So Fun Sometimes.
Do you have any friends that you cannot depend on?:I dunno
Do you have a best friend whom you can depend on?:yup
Do you have more male or female friends?:female
Are they crazy or quiet, or both?:I've got friends of all kinds . . . crazy,outgoing, sane, not so sane, . . .
Is your best friend your boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
Do you sometimes hate your friends?:I don't see them enough 2 hate them
How long is your longest friendship?:ancient
Do you and your friends take myspace pictures together?:no, do people do that?
What do you and your friends normally do when you hang out?:see movies, talk, . . . normal human behavior
What is your best friend's name?:Maggie/Katie/Chelsie/Sarah
How old is he/she?:16/18/16/19
Are You Afraid Of...
Flying?:only when I can't
Birds?:oh yah, birds are terrifying. I'm afraid to go outside right now, I could be attacked by a pigeon . . .
Dogs?:I have 3
The Light?:A beam of light coming from a spaceship in the middle of the woods
Drowning?:underwater? yes . . .
Crossing bridges?:only rickety ones that are high over jagged rocks
Life?:are u serious?
PDA?:Yes, Poodles Driving Airplanes are scary
Crossing the street?:if it's a freeway, yes . . .
Walking around alone?:down an ally, in the middle of the night, in a dangerous part of town, . . . nah
The dark?:yah
Cemetaries?:no, cemetaries are cool
Physically fighting?:Nah, I could kick butt
Confrontation?:Is'nt that the same thing as pre-fighting?
The opposite sex?:only when they're murderers . . . or Micheal Jackson
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

O.k. I hope that worked. by the way, I saw the movie Red Dragon for the first time today. It was cool. Edward Norton rules. Now I feel like watching House so I better go. :) Wilson!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. It was o.k. A lot has happened since my last blog. My class finals are half over. Yah . . . I have a test tommorrow. I hope I do well.
Sarah's granmother died last Thursady. Her funeral is tommorrow. I leave for Oakdale at 3:00p.m. It's a sad time. Wanda was a great and sweet woman who was generous and loving. It's too bad more people can't be like her. It was good giong down to Oakdale and seeing all the family members. I missed tham a lot.
I'm watching Team America. It's funny, but pretty crude. I'm thinking about turning it off. I'm not in the mood to watch it.
What else is happening? I'm tired. Not that that's new . . . I think I have an ear infection of some sort. My right ear has been hurting for the past couple of days. I thought the pain would go away, but when I woke up on Saturday I couldn't hear at all out of my right ear. I was sooo scared. I thought it might be permanent. It was like being underwater and only hearing certain sounds in a sort of vacuum. It sucked. Then several hours later I got my hearing back. Then when I woke up on Sunday my hearing was gone again. It came back faster though. I hope the same thing doesn't happen tommorrow. My eye sight and my hearing are kind of important. I already have to wear glasses/contacts. Losing half of my hearing on top of that would suck majorly.
Anyways, . . . that's all I think I want to say right now. I'll do a survey next time.