Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. It was o.k. A lot has happened since my last blog. My class finals are half over. Yah . . . I have a test tommorrow. I hope I do well.
Sarah's granmother died last Thursady. Her funeral is tommorrow. I leave for Oakdale at 3:00p.m. It's a sad time. Wanda was a great and sweet woman who was generous and loving. It's too bad more people can't be like her. It was good giong down to Oakdale and seeing all the family members. I missed tham a lot.
I'm watching Team America. It's funny, but pretty crude. I'm thinking about turning it off. I'm not in the mood to watch it.
What else is happening? I'm tired. Not that that's new . . . I think I have an ear infection of some sort. My right ear has been hurting for the past couple of days. I thought the pain would go away, but when I woke up on Saturday I couldn't hear at all out of my right ear. I was sooo scared. I thought it might be permanent. It was like being underwater and only hearing certain sounds in a sort of vacuum. It sucked. Then several hours later I got my hearing back. Then when I woke up on Sunday my hearing was gone again. It came back faster though. I hope the same thing doesn't happen tommorrow. My eye sight and my hearing are kind of important. I already have to wear glasses/contacts. Losing half of my hearing on top of that would suck majorly.
Anyways, . . . that's all I think I want to say right now. I'll do a survey next time.


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