Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Hungersome

I'm hungry, but that's nothing new. I usually snack all day. I just got finished writing my 4 page,1300 word essay on art from the 1400s to the 1600s. I was suppose to discuss how art changed from the God- centered world to the Man-centered world. It was long, but I'm glad it's over. Noq have a question. Are we currently living in a God-centered world or a Man-centered world? Never mind, that question is easy. It's a Man-centered world. At least in America it is . . . America lost sight of religion a couple decades ago -probably when it started doing drugs- and now most people don't belive in God, and the ones who do live in small communities and are seen as crazy and uptight. I guess it's harder to believe in god when no one mentions Him or prays to Him. Also, were surrounded by everything man-made and live in everything man-made, so it gets harder to recognize things that are God-made. Humans, nature, human nature, . . . that's about it. I look outside my man-made window and see a God-made flower, some God-made grass, a man-made fence, a man-made poll, and a man-made street. i think what separates what is man-made from what is God-made is beauty. God's trees, oceans, earth and humans are beautiful. man's fences, wires, lights, and streets aren't so beautiful. Every once in a while Man makes something that is truelly beautiful and miraculous. Then it's either blown up in war or degraded by critics. Well this was an interesting blog. I have 3 surveys that I did recently though, and I think I'm giong to add one of them to this blog. Yah . . . that sounds good.
A Bit Different From The Norm =]
Basic Bullshit.
What's your name?:Jessica
Your age would be nice to know.:19
Are you single or taken?:single
What is your least favorite color?:hmmm . . . orange . . .
What is the last thing on earth that you would like to do right now?:dying would suck . . .
What clothes are you wearing?:capris, shirt, jacket
What color is your bedroom?:some say peach, I say light golden tan, . . . who knows . . .
What is your least favorite food?:besides ham, cellery
What is your favorite food?:potatoes :) mash 'em, fry 'em, put 'em in a stew . . .
And your least favorite drink would be...?:Pepsi is EVIL!!!
In all honesty does myspace take up a great deal of your life?:It use to, but not so much anymore
If you could be any age, what would it be?:18472742908212478901273747, of course I'd probably be dead then . . .
Are you satisfied with the way you look and act?:not completely, but whatev
Is Bzoink a website that you visit often?:not really . . . advertise on your own time!
Do you do drugs and/or alcohol on a regular basis?:NO!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think you are capable of not eating for 5 days?:Capable yes . . . if by capable you mean weak and lying on the floor
What food and drink could you live off for the rest of your life?:besides ham and cellery?, ummm . . . spinach
Boys and Girls Are Fun.
Do looks really matter?:probably, but whatev . . .
Does size really matter?:well if you're being smooshed by an elephant guess it would . . .
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
If so, how long was that relationship?:386 years
What is your longest?:longest what? finger? eye lash? arm?
What quality do you find most attractive in a boy/girl?:blue eyes :)
Are you a virgin?:yup
If you are not, do you regret doing it with the person you lost "it" to?:blah . . .
If you are a virgin, are you in a rush to not be one anymore?:nope
Is PDA disgusting?:Poodles Driving Airplnes aren't disgusting, just crazy
Is there anything that you would change about your significant other?:you mean besides the fact that he doesn't exist?
Do you think you could marry a high school sweetheart?:It's a little late for that . . .
Would you ever consider having a long distance relationship?:I'd need a relationship first before it could become long distance
Long or Short hair?:I have short
Blue eyes or Brown eyes?:Hazel, which is a nice compromise
Tan or light skin?:light, I avoid the sun
Looks or Brains?:No I don't looks at brains, sorry that sounds dumb. So maybe not brains . . . but not looks either . . .is there another option? . . . how about personality?
Words Associations Are The Best!
Orange.:color=dumb, fruit=good
Cell phone.:number?
Samantha.:Momba, who?
Home.:Alone (a good movie)
Sex.: . . .
Death.:Cab For Cutie, a good band
Long Distance.:Relationship . . .
Gold.:plated piano strings
Running.:to the mall to get something cool that you can't live without, oh wait . . . did you want one word?
This or That.
7up or Sprite?:What's the difference?
Coke or Pepsi?:Coke, Pepsi must die
Boy or Girl?:I'm a girl who likes boys . . .
Run or Swim?:run
Drive or Fly?:I'll be like Harry Potter and fly while I drive
Ferrari or Corvet?:Ferrariness
VW or Ford?:VW
Cellular Device or Computer?:computer! Internet . . . SIMS . . . Videos . . .
Sex or Foreplay?:nope
O.C.D or A.D.D?:My sister has A.D.D., so I'll take that
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Friend?:friend
Mom or Dad?:both
Brother or Sister?:sisters
Food or Drink?:I'd like both thanks
Friends Aren't So Fun Sometimes.
Do you have any friends that you cannot depend on?:I dunno
Do you have a best friend whom you can depend on?:yup
Do you have more male or female friends?:female
Are they crazy or quiet, or both?:I've got friends of all kinds . . . crazy,outgoing, sane, not so sane, . . .
Is your best friend your boyfriend/girlfriend?:nope
Do you sometimes hate your friends?:I don't see them enough 2 hate them
How long is your longest friendship?:ancient
Do you and your friends take myspace pictures together?:no, do people do that?
What do you and your friends normally do when you hang out?:see movies, talk, . . . normal human behavior
What is your best friend's name?:Maggie/Katie/Chelsie/Sarah
How old is he/she?:16/18/16/19
Are You Afraid Of...
Flying?:only when I can't
Birds?:oh yah, birds are terrifying. I'm afraid to go outside right now, I could be attacked by a pigeon . . .
Dogs?:I have 3
The Light?:A beam of light coming from a spaceship in the middle of the woods
Drowning?:underwater? yes . . .
Crossing bridges?:only rickety ones that are high over jagged rocks
Life?:are u serious?
PDA?:Yes, Poodles Driving Airplanes are scary
Crossing the street?:if it's a freeway, yes . . .
Walking around alone?:down an ally, in the middle of the night, in a dangerous part of town, . . . nah
The dark?:yah
Cemetaries?:no, cemetaries are cool
Physically fighting?:Nah, I could kick butt
Confrontation?:Is'nt that the same thing as pre-fighting?
The opposite sex?:only when they're murderers . . . or Micheal Jackson
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O.k. I hope that worked. by the way, I saw the movie Red Dragon for the first time today. It was cool. Edward Norton rules. Now I feel like watching House so I better go. :) Wilson!!!!!


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