Anyways, . . . back to reality. I'm tired and near a coma state. I need Starbucks. Considering the fact that's it's been abuot 3 monthes since I last had Starbucks(or coffee of any kind for that matter) I think I deserve a moca frappecino. In other news . . . ummm . . . I read more of the Bible. A rabbie actually came to our class today to talk about Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructive Judaism. He goes to a Reform Synagogue. I'm actually going to a synogague tommorrow night as part of the class requirement. I think it will be ackward considering the fact that I know no Hebrew and have barely read the Bible. I think I'll feel out of place. But then again the same thing happened when we went to Catholic Mass for college orientation. I just followed along with what everyone else was doing. I like regular church, or at least the church I'm use to, where you sit and listen to people talk about God and the Bible. Even in high school I went to FCA -Fellowshiop of Christian Athletes- with my friends even though I wasn't an athlete and had never read the Bible. I don't think I learned much from that experience anyway. They mostly said Don't do drugs and Don't have sex. I was like, "Yah that's new". I've been hearing that all my life and the one time I think I'm giong to learn about God, the Bible, or anything religious, I hear these things come up. At some point you have to look around the room and realize, "These kids wouldn't be here if they were doing drugs or having sex. They'd feel out of place, plus there's the fact that drugies and promiscues teens don't tend to care about religion. in other words, you're preaching to the choire. I hope that's how you spell that. On another note, I think kids shouldn't be fed religion when they're young. The theory is that when they hear when they're young they will follow along throughout there life as they grow older. In reality, they stray away from it. Yuo should wait until the kid is in their teens or a little before then so that they can appreciate and understand the purpose of religion and it's greater meaning. I feel sort of dumb living in a Christian nation and yet knowing practically nothing about any religion. I know the basics, but that's about it. At least I'm learning something now. We've been learing about Judaism thuogh and from what I've seen it doesn't seem so bad to be a Jew. What I mean by that is, I could - at this point- become a Jew just as easily as I could become a Christian. I don't think I'll become a Jew because I know it will upset certain members of my family, but that doesn't mean I will turn away from the idea completely. Whatev. Religion is like politics. You choose a party and follow that party. In the end it doesn't mean much which party you align yourself with. It only matters what you believe and do.