Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11th quotes and status update

News Flash:

Visited mom for Mother's Day last weekend. I'm feeling really close to mum these days. The same could not be said for my dad, who I've been kinda resenting lately.

Whilst visiting i experienced no ghostly activity. Yayz! But I have been experiencing withdrawls from Zoloft Booz :(
My stupid psychiatrist failed to answer Walgreens to refill my perscription last Monday. When day 3 hit I went to the Walgreens and despite the fact they left my psychiatrist 2 messages he still had not responded. Day 4, after having personally left him amessage after not being able to reach him, Walgreens gave me a sympathy perscription of 3 Zoloft pills. The dizzyness and disorientation were becoming too much. Then last Sunday, Mother's Day, I officially ran out of my sympathy stock of Zoloft. However the psychiatrist left me a message on my phone that noon that he wanted to schedule an appointment with me and said he would refill my perscription. I called and left Another message for him on Monday. Now it's Wednesday, Day 4 again, and I just went to Walgreens and got a month's worth of Zoloft. Finally.
My lust came back Day 2 as did the onset of a light depression that became mre onset the longer I went without Zoloft. Also I've been having 4-5 dreams on average each night with 3-4 of those dreams being nightmares. This has been the case for a while now. I blame Zoloft.

In other news, I did well as Speech Evaluator today in Toastmasters despite my withrawl issues.

Also I'm going to go to the Chocolate Festival 2 weekends from now. I hope to sell some copies of my artwork there.

Now for quotes:

«Grace is the pleasure of God to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and power to delight in God without obscuring the glory of God.» John Piper

«Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.» — Arthur Schopenhauer

«Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.» — Meg Cabot

«So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private individuals will occasionally kill theirs.» — Elbert Hubbard

«Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless.» — John Ruskin

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Assassinated Bin Laden

Last Sunday it was announced tat Bin Laden had been assassinated. Now everyone is either mocking his death or celebrating it. But I just couldn't find the heart to rejoice. What thatman did was horrific and catastrophic. But I realize 2 things: People are usually rational. So either he was led to do those inhumane things out of insanity -for which he could not be blamed if it was a mental disroderor corrupt upbringing in brainwash, or he was rational and his own rationality somehow led him astray. People don't kill innocent people for no reason - unless they're violently insane -which is still a reason. I can't help but question what led him to do the things he did which he is now so hated for even in death. How much control did he really have in what he was doing. I know he led the group, as Charles Manson led his, but to what extent did the circumstances in his life he had no control over lead to that extent of a point in cruelty? How can we be so quick to judge someone we never bothered to understand. All we seemed to know was he was the enemy because he killed innocent people. Now he is dead and we celebrate it. How can we mock someone who celebrated the eaths of others if celebrate the death of that man and Not call ourselve hypocrites? He needed to have his life ended -I know that. It wasn't for revenge though, it was to save future innocent lives from being taken. His life was ended to save lives. It is the lives of those who are now saved that I celebrate.

Looking back at World War 1 and 2, most people focus on the deaths of Nazis who were said to be evil in enfleshed by the hands of the soldiers who represented good and justice. I choose to focus on the lives that were saved: the millions of Jews cast into genocide.

Sunday, May 01, 2011


Star Date May 1, 2011. Yesterday dean and mom came to my apartment to help me get a couch. The couch is amazing!!! It folds back into a futon. Dean also helped put up my drapes and set my DVD to the T.V. Is there anything he can't do???

This is what I need totalk about though: Last night around 4:00 A.M. I woke up to the sound of some strange scratching. Then I started feeling the energy drain feeling I got from mom's house. I couldn't shake it off for a good 10 minutes. I didn't sense a presence, but the lethargic feeling was so out of the blue... and right after mom and Dean came from their house for a visit... It was weird. As soon as it stopped happening, I thought, "I need to blog this. I need to note this event." Hopefully it doesn't happen again.