Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Assassinated Bin Laden

Last Sunday it was announced tat Bin Laden had been assassinated. Now everyone is either mocking his death or celebrating it. But I just couldn't find the heart to rejoice. What thatman did was horrific and catastrophic. But I realize 2 things: People are usually rational. So either he was led to do those inhumane things out of insanity -for which he could not be blamed if it was a mental disroderor corrupt upbringing in brainwash, or he was rational and his own rationality somehow led him astray. People don't kill innocent people for no reason - unless they're violently insane -which is still a reason. I can't help but question what led him to do the things he did which he is now so hated for even in death. How much control did he really have in what he was doing. I know he led the group, as Charles Manson led his, but to what extent did the circumstances in his life he had no control over lead to that extent of a point in cruelty? How can we be so quick to judge someone we never bothered to understand. All we seemed to know was he was the enemy because he killed innocent people. Now he is dead and we celebrate it. How can we mock someone who celebrated the eaths of others if celebrate the death of that man and Not call ourselve hypocrites? He needed to have his life ended -I know that. It wasn't for revenge though, it was to save future innocent lives from being taken. His life was ended to save lives. It is the lives of those who are now saved that I celebrate.

Looking back at World War 1 and 2, most people focus on the deaths of Nazis who were said to be evil in enfleshed by the hands of the soldiers who represented good and justice. I choose to focus on the lives that were saved: the millions of Jews cast into genocide.


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