Sat. Aug. 11th

I had a great/bad dream last night. I dreamed I was back in school. Johnny Depp was my English teacher <3. I love English . . . Then my dream changed and I was in a Spanish Class. Miss Pineda was my teacher again. She seemed mad at me, and I don't blame her. I couldn't remember any Spanish! After 4 years I had forgotten almost all of it. She put me in Spanish 3 1/2 class instead of Spanish 5. It was really frustrating. I wanted to go back to English class. Me encanta Johnny Depp . . .
Anyways, back 2 reality. Mom put my dog Chica down last Wednesday. I wasn't that upset. Chica was getting old and although she seemed fine on the outside I knew she had liver failure and was in a lot of pain. I'm glad she's at peace now. She was a great dog. She always knew when I was sad. She'd come to me as I sat on the floor in my room crying. I'd hug her. She seemed to understand what I was going through even though no one else picked up on it. Dogs have that sixth sense about them. I always felt safe when she was around. I'll miss her.
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