Up Since 3 . . .

. . . in the A.M. people!!! Crazy day. I woke up at 3 this morning to finish a paper by 9 A.M. to see that it made it in before noon. It did. Unfortunately I drank a latte at around 5 A.M. and was jittery until about 11 AM. Don't drink crackffiend. Or caffiene as some choose to call it . . . I saw my cousin Elly today. Woot!!! Alright that was random. Anyways my paper was on the Venetian nobility during the Renaissance. I now know way more than I should about them. I felt there was a strong moral lesson to be learned from that group of people though. Don't close yourself off into an elite caste then freak out when your population dwindles down because of war and plague and you can't replace people because everyone's now "beneath" the patriciate rank and you can't buy anything and keep up your "noble" lifestyle because you thought trading - which is what made you wealthy in the first place- is unfitting to someone in such a prestigous class as yours and you keep spending things frivilously because you didn't earn the money - you just inherited it - and now your all obsessed over marrying off your kids to fellow nobles to keep your lineage honorable but you can't because there's dowry inflation because everyone's overbidding their bride/daughters to catch the richest, most promenant noblmen so no one can afford to marry off their daughters so instead they send them to convents so now everyone's a bachelor and your land and money keep slipping away. You know your in trouble when prostitutes are making more money than all your family put together. And don't complain when the government, which only your caste is allowed to participate in, fails to preserve the noble class because the laws and rules it passes to keep dowry inflation down and superflous spending at a minimal doesn't amount to much because other nobles enjoy the notoriety that comes with breaking the sumptuary laws and showing off their wealth. And then in the end when your members are down and nobles are walking around in rags and no one can afford to be in the high price, essential offices of government and you obligatorily let in a few non-noble families to your caste at the cost of 60,000 ducats and they take up government positions but don't know how to run them because guess what they weren't raised into the noble lifestyle and teachings that come with it concerning the inner workings of the government and everything starts to unravel and it's the end of your class as you know it . . . and it was all your fault. You were the group that decided to make yourselves "special" and everyone subordinate. And now you pay the price. Which happens to be more ducats than you can afford.
(Above photo : Since I conveniently had the info available from the paper: Paolo Veronese. Portrait of a Member of the Soranzo Family. 1570s. The Earl of Harewood, Leeds.)