Response to Twitter

Dear Twitter, I hate you. You suck. Mostly because I can't text worth crap. However you do currently have Jason Mraz and his joyologist as well as the Goo Goo Dolls using your site. I guess you're not a total loss.
The joyologist chick on Jason Mraz's Twitter is interesting. She writes quotes and affirmations to help you look at your life and become a better person by engaging in the world, peace, and tranquility. Peronsally, I think her stuff is a little too hippietastic for me. I mean, it's good to think about your life and have an open-mind, but just don't let your brain fall out.
Here's what I'm talking about. Here's a quote from the joyologist from Jason Mraz's Twitter:
"affirmation otd..I am gentle, kind, and comforting to my inner child as we uncover and release the old negative messages within us."
9:03 PM May 6th from web
Yah . . . that's not a little out there . . . I feel one with myself now.
People are funny. They strive so hard to find peace in themselves and being open to everything they end up losing touch with reality - which I think might be their ultimate goal. Life sucks for everybody and we all need an escape. If music realeases you, embrace it. If sports give you peace of mind, embrace it. If sitting on a yoga mat chanting with the spirit of the world works for you, embrace it. However don't be so hard pressed to force your version of escape on others. We all find our own distractions. And don't assume your way is right, because in the end it just serves the same puropse as everyone else's -only in your own specialized way.
I have issues with the method used by the joyologist. The overly idyllic non-sensical approach does not appeal to my rather rational way of thinking. It just seems fake and over the top. Like you're suppose to forget the world and embrace some essence you can't see. I'm sure the yogis would either be displeased with me, or they would just say live and let live -as they tend to do. Anyways . . .
The joyologist also lists thought of the day and I thought I'd share and contemplate some, just because I'm bored.
"? Of the day. what are you worried about?"
8:15 PM May 8th from txt on Jason Mraz's Twitter
What am I worried about?
How about the immediate: that paper I have to write that's 4000 words and due in two weeks as well as the books I have to read for it, cleaning my room (always a concern), trying to find a job for the summer, . . .
And the not-so-immediate: classes that start this Fall, this next year, graduating from college and finding a job, later getting a job I actually want in this economy of crap, getting an apartment, figuring out what to do with my life, not dying, enjoying life without trying to escape it, . . . death in general.
Well I feel better now. Look at that. All my concerns are listed. Wow. It's not like they aren't still spinning in my head at a rate of 342,532 MPH.
Here's another one:
"DR qotd. learn politeness from impolite people. affirmation. All of my relationships are enveloped in a circle of love."
12:53 AM May 9th from web from Jason Mraz Twitter
I like the impoliteness from impolite people one. I'll try that. However that whle thing about relationships . . . yah, mine aren't encircled with love. More like enveloped in a rectangle of suspicion, mixed with a little tension, and seasoned with a little apprehension.
"?of the day @cafegratitude. Where are you being inflexible? Where is love expanding in your life?"
5:21 PM May 9th from web from Jason Mraz Twitter
I am inflexible when it comes to doing yoga. Litterally. I could hurt myself. As for the expansion of love, . . . I have a growing fondness for Adam Lambert. Consequently I also have a growing loathing for American Idol finale shows.
"?td@cafegratitude where in your life are you playing small? What inspires you?"
11:11 AM May 13th from txt from Jason Mraz Twitter
Playing small? I guess my artwork. I haven't worked on it in over a year. And I'm kind of majoring in art so . . . I could work on that. I'm taking 3 new art courses next fall and I plan on drawing and crafting over th summer. As for what inspires me, in art that would be nature as well as paintings done by artists of yore. I love you Botticelli!!! (I have a growing fondness for him . . . and Titan). And on the everyday, John Rzeznik is a pretty inspiring guy. Just looking at all the things he has overcome in his life and the attitude he has about sharing his music with the world is amazing. He's very honest and down-to-earth and says if you like my stuff great, if not that's fine. I'm just going to keep doing what I think is right.
"?otd @cafegratitude. Where are you being that is "better over there"?"
8:25 PM May 14th from web from Jason Mraz Twitter
You know, I'm starting to notice a pattern with the whole cafegratitide thing. Is the joyologist coming up with these questions or is she just borrowing them from cafe gratitude without intent to give them back? Anyways, "Where am I being that is better over there?" I think someone took too big a puff on their "herbs of a magical nature". I think she might mean "Where are you looking that seems better over there?" You know, like where are you envying other things? Or maybe she meant "Where do you think you would be better that is not where you currently are (either physically or metaphysically)?" I think I need an interpreter.
"?otd @cafegratitude. what challenges you the most? when do you feel the most at ease?"
7:55 PM May 15th from txt from Jason Mraz Twitter
What challenges me most? : The things that I am worried about that I listed earlier (Who knew those would come in handy? Saved on typing)definitely challenge me. Also public speaking. Cause I suck at it. And texting. Texting is a constant challenge, bt if I want to talk with my sister it's the only form communication she understands these days. She is fluent in text. Yah, she should get a Twitter.
When do I feel the most at ease? When I'm in my bed at night relaxing and listening to music. Also when I am out with friends or hanging out in the sun next to some trees.
"?otd. where is complaining causing you suffering? what do you love about your life?"
7:45 AM May 17th from txt from Jason Mraz Twitter
Well I've been complaining about the nature of these posted questions and the fact that they lead to nowhere land, but it hasn't caused me suffering. I do however suffer over the fact that this blog program lacks spell check. Oh wait, no, there it is. Few, one less thing to suffer over/complain about.
What do I love about my life. I love the fact that it's mind I have the potential to do whatever I want with it. I plan on living so that I am content with whatever it is I choose to do regardless of what others say about it as well as living in a way that somehow gives back to people and the environment. That's right. I'm 67% Modern Hippie Ecologist. It's a side effect of prolonged exposure to California.
"? of the day @cafegratitude. Where are you judging yourself? How are you serving the planet today?"
6:49 PM May 18th from web from Jason Mraz Twitter
God this is the longest blog ever. Anyways, I judge whether or not I have the self-confidence to achieve my goals. As for the planet, I recycled a bottle yesterday. Rejoice! Otherwise not doing much for the planet at the moment. Stealing it's oxygen I guess. But don't worry, I give it back some carbon dioxide. At least that's what Wikipedia just told me after I consulted with it over the process of respiration.
"? of the day. @cafegratitude. What are you waiting for? What can you give thanks for today?"
12:09 PM May 19th from web Jason Mraz Twitter
I am waiting for tomorrow so i can actually get some things accomplished. Today is a lazy day. I am procrastinating (my favorite past time). So tomorrow I have to work on some of those things on the "list of worry". Mostly the 4000 word essay.
What can I give thanks for today? Well I haven't seriously injured myself on accident today, so that's always nice. I am thankful to be typing on this computer that was given to me as a gift on for my high school graduation three years ago. Em, my sister, got one last night when she graduated high school. Wooot! Now I'm thankful she's around and I don't have to worry about her as much.
"? of the day. Where are you not being responsible for your own experience? Ehat would you like to be acknowledged for?"
3:52 PM May 20th from web Jason Mraz Twitter
I'm responsible for my own experience. i may neglect it from time to time, but I make sure I enjoy my life. I'm certainly not complaining about it.
I would like to be acknowledged at some point for my artwork. But on a smaller scale, I think I and everyone would like to be acknowledged for the little things we do for others on a daily basis but never get recognized for. I unloaded the dishwasher today, as I do whenever it's full. No one noticed. I don't NEED the acknowledgement, but I also don't like when people take other people for granted.
"? Of the day. what challenge can you now give thanks for.? when do you feel the most blissful?"
about 18 hours ago from txt from Jason Mraz Twitter
What challenge can I give thanks for? Ummm . . . I have crappy eye sight, does that count? I'm grateful for my crappy eye sight, because I have always had a different view of the world and I am more prone to pay attention to details and colors and things most people don't notice. I appreciate the things I'm able to see and don't take them for granted.
I am most blissful when I'm around friends, having fun and laughing. Also when I achieve some of my goals, I get happy.
Well that was the last one. Funnn . . . I feel like a new person, ready to go out and be one with the universe, embracing all forms of life as my own, and talking to my inner child about avoiding drugs, peer pressure, and texting.
Thank you Twitter.