
I.M.Bored. It's January of '08. The whole power outage thing happened about a week ago. I've been watching a lot of Lost w/ Trev. The writer's strike has most of the shows I usually watch out of commission. Heroes!!!! House!!!! Where for art thou???Anyways, school started. Italian2 . . . Drawing, which is pretty cool. I have a good teacher. Then Watercolor. The teacher kind of sucks, so, yah . . . I still luv my MP3 playa. Sansa E260!!! I'm obssessed w/ Enrique Iglesias. Bought his Insomniac CD not too long ago. Then I bought his Enrique Iglesias and 7 albums. Then I saw him on "How I Met Your Mother" last night. He's gorgeous. I also like OneRepublic, Vertical Horizon, and Maroon 5's new cd. Sweeney Todd was the best movie of 07. Yup.