Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well, I'm going to have to focus my attention back to my homework again in a couple of minutes. I haven't done anything but my homework all day. I just finished my French homework and now I have Art History and English. I have to read in both. I've decided that after I take a couple more years of French, I'm giong to find a way to combine the Spanish and French languages. I'll call it Sprench. They're close enough to where I can get the point across half way using both languages. J'ai hambre. Je suis un estudiante. Quiero aller a la biblioteca. Necisito un livre de Sprench. T'will be the greatest languge on earth! If an English speaking person like me can learn both languages, why not everyone else. It's all about translation. The point of having a conversation in any language is to get the point acroos and make ideas understood. If combining French and Spanish makes that easier to do, than why not combine them? It will be a hybrid language. Maybe then we can combine Irish and Arabic. Alright, maybe not those two because I'm pretty sure they're not close at all, but you get the idea. You watch, one day someone will use Sprench and now you'll know who came up with it. Es un bon idea, verdad?



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