Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Life Themes

I don't really know what to write about- but that's nothing new I'll just see what comes. It seems like I have moments where my thoughts are deep, reflective, and meaningful and then have nothing to write them down with. Within five minutes those thoughts are gone and I ahve nothing to show for it. I feel jipped. Curse you brain, why can't you have good thoughts all the time? Instaed of those other thoughts like, "hey that girl has the same shirt I use to wear" or "I wonder who invented the first video game?" Speaking of which, I want to play Orgen Trail on my computer. I haven't played that game in years! We had it, then someone in my family gave it away. That game was awesome. I use to give my people celebrity names, especially celebs that I hated, and then when they died I would write something funny on their tombstone : Here lies Paris Hilton - she couldn't sing and she died of Typhoid. Granted they weren't the kindest intentions towards the game, they were still fun and entertaining. I also loved to hunt animals. In reality I think it's cruel to hunt for sport, but in the game I'd kill 50 buffalo just for the fun of it. They'd be wandering in the middle of the screen, slowly moving along, then BANG! and they'd kerlump right onto the ground, and tadah! instant meal. Then we didn't have to go hunting for another month. I'm not a violent person, really. but in video games, I can get a little . . . dangerous. You wouldn't want to play me at Halo. But it seems like games of that sort encourage violence, so it's not really my fault. If the option is there, then why not take it? It's not like you're hurting anyone in real life. your playing an imaginary game and killing imaginary things. It's worse for young kids to play because they're minds are still developing and they don't know how to separate what's real from what's imaginary. Anyway, those are my random thoughts for today. Here's a question though : Who invented the Caps Lock on the keyboard? They seriously need to die. I'll be writing just fine and then ALl of the SUDDEN I'll ACCIDENTALLY HIT THE CAPS LOCK AND START WRITING FOR A MILE IN CAPS LOCK, WITH NO WAY TO REVERSE IT. Then I have to rewrite it all again. eVIL cAPS loCK.



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