Monday, October 09, 2006

Just Another Day in . . . Where am I?

Don't worry. I know where I am. Or wait, . . . do I? Yah, no I'm prettty sure I do. Anyways, I didn't get to do much this weekend. I had mucha tarea. *Tear. It seems like such a waste of a weekend. Whoever invented homework sucks. I'd almost prefer doing an extened period of time in class so I don't have to take it home. Speaking of class, I leave for Art History in about half an hour. I wish it were Tuesday. I only have one class on Tuesdays and it's my favorite class. Why is political science my favorite class though? I think it's the teacher and the way we are allowed to think. Interesting subjects always get brought up in that class, and I laugh the most in that class. By the way I took this pic in Scotland.

Holly Crap I just figured out how to upload pictures!!!!! Now I'll have to go back and add them to all my other blogs . . . EEEEp!



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