Friday, October 06, 2006


Yes it's true, I'm slacking off. I have a million years worth of homework and yet I'm sitting here writing this. I have 4 classes in college. French 1, Art History, English 1, and Political Science. When I first started I thought my favorite class would be Art History. Now today here's what I think of each of these classes: French - a lot harder than I thought. I'm seriously debating going back to Spanish next time. Art History- we mostly take notes and look at slides of artwork. Interesting, but not as exciting as I thought it would be. English 1- I thought I would love this class, but we just read random essays about sight and memory. My first essays aren't doing so good. All we do in class is talk about themes and study how to write perfect essays. Political Science- definitely not what I thought it would be. The readings are harder because they sound cryptic and I have to rewrite each paragraph in my own words to understand it. But once I do understand it, I realize how suprising and insightful the essays are. They bring up ideas that never occurred to me before. I have an awesome teacher in my class. I'm quiet in class, so he allows students like me to participate by writing posts online about the subject. I think it's my favorite class. I could seriously take it all year round. I'll be sad when it ends in a couple months.



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