Thursday, November 09, 2006


Je suis . . . Yo soy . . . that I am. Alright, about half of the people reading this should be confuzzled right now. Sorry. Didn't mean to cause a state of confusion. Hmmm . . . what to talk about. Don't worry I won't waste half a page thinking about what I should be writing like I did in the last post. I watched America's Next Top Model last night. I'm not into the fashion as much as I am into the pictures they create. I'm an artist and I have to say a lot of the photos they take turn out awesome. I was sort of depressed from last night's episode though. There was a girl and, she wasn't "perfect", but she usually photographed well. The main problem was her lack of confidence. She lacked the courage and the energy neccessary to make it in the fashion world. It was empathy I felt for her. Heck, that's me about every hour of the day. I don't feel sorry for myself because of my lack of confidence. I just wish it were different sometimes. Those other girls make it look so easy. They're outgoing and confident and I wonder what's wrong with me? Being quiet and an introvert isn't all that bad though. I actually listen when people talk. There's a saying that goes, 'It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". I thought that was pretty funny. I don't think I'm a fool, but I worry about saying something stupid every once in a while. There are people out there who are fools and speak openly and I don't want to be that person. Then again, right now it would be nice to have that confidence to speak up because being an introvert is sort of an inconveniece right now.



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