Thursday, October 26, 2006

This Should Be Interesting

Maybe I should have titled this fifteen minute blog . . . cause that's all the time I have. This is how devoted I am to this blog: I have a five page essay due tomorrow and about 2 hours to spare in which I can do it tomorrow, and instead of working on it now, I'm writing this blog. It's amazing how calm I can be during stressful situations. I put things off and put things off and when it finally comes time to do them, I don't panic. I just sit down and take care of it. I may rush and freakout a little bit, but I don't panic. But none of this information is significant. I want to talk about something that is. Why do people assume that just because I'm 18 I like to go out and party? People have this image of an 18 year old girl as free, crazy, and wild. That's not me. Infact, that's the epitome of me. I like to stay at home, maybe hangout with my friend, watch a movie and be layed back. Going out to drink and dance is the last thing on my mind. I know many girls my age that enjoy doing that, and that's fine for them, but I get tired of people assuming that that's the kind of stuff I'm into. People look at you weird when you ask them what you did friday night and you say, "I stayed at home." Another thing I hate is when people who I've known for only a short period of time come up to me and say, "You're quiet." I say, "Yup", but in the back of my mind I'm like, "If I had a quarter for everytime someone told me I was quiet . . ." Because the fact is if you think I'm quiet, you don't know me. I've had people tell me to shut up because I was talking too much. When I first meet people I'm not an extrovert and I won't say the first thing that comes to my mind openly. Maybe if there's only one person and I feel I can trust him/her, then I might talk freely, . . . but that's pretty rare. I always figured that if someone really wanted to know me, they could. I'm not that closed. I'm like a book, if you want to know something about me just ask and I'll tell you everything. I have no fear in telling people the truth about my past and who I am. I just have a fear of talking in general. Well, this has been an insightfully random blog.



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