Saturday, September 23, 2006

Not Another Saturday . . .

Well, it's Saturday, and as usual I'm avoiding doing the things that need to be done . . . namely homework. I'll put it off until Sunday. Why? Because can, plus I'm lazy. I'm one of those people who thinks, why do today what I can put off until tommorrow. I like to enjoy the moment and doing homework is just not my idea of a gerat moment. It's more like a depressing hour. But it's funny because it's not like what I'm doing now is that much better. I'm wasting the moment, but in my mind it's still better than doing homework. Besides, I'm writing to you, so this is not exactly a waste of time. My English teacher says 2 things should be considered when writing something. What is the purpose or reason you are writing? In other words why are you writing what you are writing. And the other is Who is your audience? In otras palabras: know what and why you aer writing and who is going to read it. It's good advice. My blog subjects seem kind of sporatic though. One minute I'll be talking about my Saturday morning and the next I'm talking about my English class. My brain wanders. It's better than sitting in one spot all day never exploring other regions of the mind. My sister has ADD. My brain wanders, but from what I've heard, her brain runs. I can't imagine what that would be like. Never being able to focus on one thing, every minute a thousand thoughts pop into your head but your never able to think about just one. She takes medication though, so her brain wanders like mine now. It helps her focus in school and pay attention. Well, this has been an interesting blog.



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