Friday, April 06, 2007


I have a friend. No it's not me. Anyway, this friend of mine has a myspace. On his myspace he says that he's been feeling depressed and tired. He's going into a dark place in his life. This friend of mine and I aren't really friends though. I see him every once in a while. I think he may be having problems in his relationship with his girlfriend. I feel bad and want to help, but since I don't see him that often I'm not sure if it's o.k. for me to say anything. Also, I don't know what to say to him. I'm usually the one who's depressed, so I don't if saying anything would help anyway. It's just hard to see him depressed, especially since I don't see him that often anyway. Maybe I should write to one of those people who has a help collumn in a magazine. But that's dumb. I feel distracted right now. I'm watching The Sounds of Music on TV. I'm also upset about the fact that I spent the whole day sitting around watching TV. Oh well. Maybe tommorrow I'll do saomething of use.



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