Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Irony

It's spring and I experienced two cases of irony today. The first was made during a test in psychology. I had a question that said something like "When a student is taking a multiple choice test and erases the first answer in place of another, is the choice most commonly from" : a) a right choice to a wrong choice or b) a wrong choice to a right choice? I accidentally put a, which was the wrong choice. When I reread it I erased the worng answer and replaced it with the right answer "b". If you can find it, there was some irony in that. The next experience with irony was made during my Latin History class when our teacher told us about the Incans. Apparently the Incans made human sacrifices to the gods so they could continue to keep control over their people and maintain prosperity. Ironically, by sacrificing citizens, the Incan people remained loyal and controllable because they feared being sacrificed if they stood up to thier leaders. There's irony in there, if I explained it well enough. Anyway, yesterday I spent 4 hours painting over a pictuere of one of my rabbits with computer paint system. I'll try to upload it here. It's pretty cool.


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