Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm Still Alive

So, I pretty much freaked out over nothing. The weekend went pretty well, all things considered. I got to see old friends and watch Pirates of the Carribean 3 again. There was some awkwardness and I knwe the inevitable subject wuold eventually come up. As soon as I arrived, in fact, mom said she wanted me to walk out side with her. I said no, I was tired and wanted to sit for a few minutes, which was true. Then on the night before I left, when I was ready to go to sleep, mom came into my room and said, come here I want to talk with yuo a minute. I thought, "Oh crap. Here it comes. I knew this was too good to be true." I had tried to avoid this conversation all weekend but now it was finally here. Mom started out, "Has this been a good weekend for you? Have I done anything to make you upset?" I thought "Oh, no. This won't be good . . ." So, long story short we talked for a half hour. I told mom i didn't think she had a drinking problem, I was just worried about Em. Mom told me Em overreacted when she yelled at her. It's been about 5 days since it happened, so I don't really think about it as much now. Em's here. We're doing good. Watching TV. Hanging out. Em's coming to my Art History class today. That will be interesting.


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