Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I've recently discovered a new band called 30 Seocnds to Mars. It's what you'd call and "Emo" band. For those who are sheltered and unfamiliar with the term "Emo", it means overlly emotional and depressing. For example, if you get dumped by your boyfriend or girlfriend you would be considered Emo if you threaten to slit your wrists. It's basically overreacting to simple things. Other features of an emo person include: black eyeliner, shoulder length black hair partially covering the face, tight pants, the colors black, red, and white, . . . you get the idea. Anyways, 30 Seconds to Mars is one of those bands. It's lead singer Jared Leto is also an actor. I've heard the bands music now and seen a couple of their music videos. Althuogh I'm not a fan of the Emo movement, I did like the band and its music. They're also pretty funny. Here's an interview of them I got off Youtube:

Well I hope you liked it. I must admit, Jared Leto is pretty hot. Especially since I love blue eyes and his are amazing! Anyways, . . . must find other cool videos . . .


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