Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Google and Blogger?

Is Google taking over the world? First Youtube now Blogger . . . I'm not that upset, it just through me off that now I have to have a Google address. I have to ;eave soon so I'll make this snappy. I have nothing to say really. I'm in a so-so place right now. Blah is the word of the day. Procrastinitis is my disease of the hour. I'm going to turn 19 in a couple of weeks. I'm not that excited. What can you do at 19 that you can't do at 18? It's not that big a deal. It's just one more step towards "adulthood". I wish my birthdays started going backwards. I wish I was turning 17 in a couple of weeks. Things were so much simpler then. I want to regress back to my childhood, but I know I never can. What mysteries does life still have in store for me? Love? I heard that's a joke. No ones getting married anymore. They're waiting until they're practically retired. Everyone just wants an easy fix. Someone they can date for a while until they get bored and move on. Fame? A random person walking along the street can be famous now if they have the right appeal and enough money. Fortune? Wealth, what does that mean? In twenty years we'll all be wealthy. Given enough time even the poorest person can have a home and a good job. I'm depressed right now. I shouldn't write when I'm depressed. But I'm not really depressed, I just am. I'm bored and I'm tired. I want something new. I want to start painting again. I want to paint things I can see that no one else can. I want to show people visions that I hold inside of me. Somethibng unique that only I can reveal. But I'm too busy to paint. i'm not to busy to type, but I'm too busy to paint.


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