Friday, January 21, 2011

Familiarizing Yourself with Modern Tweenyboppers

How do you relate to members of a younger generation? Say you come across a 12 year old – what do you talk about? Sure you could mention silly bands, but when asked if you have any odds are you would say no and the conversation would then end. You could try talking about the weather, but the tween is probably too busy texting to notice. Today I’d like to give you some helpful tips on how to relate to the world of the Modern Tweenybopper.

You might be thinking, but Jessica, what is a tweenybopper?

The term tween usually pertains to kids –usually girls – between the ages of 6-16. Tweens tend to have obsessions over particular bands, T.V. stars, and other icons. They often carry around memorabilia of their idol with them and talk about said person or group frequently. Tweens may react abruptly by screaming and jumping up and down when an image of their icon appears or is mentioned. Because of the tween’s hypersensitivity to the media, learning about what T.V. shows and musical artists they like is a good way to better relate to them.

I have therefore compiled a list of popular tween shows for you to identify. Shows in Black are gender neutral, shows in purple are preferred by girls, and shows in blue are preferred by boys. I have also placed stars next to the shows I have seen and an emoticon face to show my opinion of that show.

Now the next time you are in a room with a tween who has control of the remote, you can mention some of the shows you know, and also be aware of which shows to avoid. Occasionally you will get lucky and a re-run of Scooby Doo will come on, but for all the other times your best bet is to watch the intro portion o each show to get an idea of what it’s about and whether or not it’s worth watching.

Now we will move on to the popular musical icons of the tween world.

First we have Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber is known for several things that can also be good identifiers to help you recognize him. Bieber has a tendency to flip his hair a lot – look for that. He also makes gestures with his hands to make himself appear more gangster. As far as his music is concerned – it is tolerable to listen too, but should never be mentioned. It’s hard to maintain social legitimacy when you listen to a musical artist with song titles like “Baby” and “Eenie Meanie”. It should also be noted that fans of Bieber are known as “Beliebers” and Justin is currently nominated for a Grammy for Best New Artist because the Grammys have recently decided to lower their standards.

Next we have the Jonas Brothers. The Jonas Brothers are a difficult challenge for people who are unfamiliar with them. The difficulty lies in trying to differentiate between them and remember their names. I have therefore come up with a way to make telling them apart much easier. First there’s Nick. Nick is the youngest Jonas brother and he has curly hair. Joe is the middle Jonas Brother and has strait hair and looks like he was adopted. Lastly there’s Kevin. Kevin is the oldest Jonas brother and he has curly hair, but it’s not as curly as Nick’s. That is how you differentiate between the Jonas Brothers. It is important to do so, because if you mess up in front of a tween you will be shunned from their society.

Next we have the famed icon Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana is a character on the Disney show Hannah Montana. The premise of the show is centered around a girl named Miley who is played by Miley Cyrus. Miley’s character has a split personality named Hannah Montana who likes to wear a blonde wig and sing in front of people.

Now you may be thinking, but Jessica, how do I know the difference between Miley and Hannah? It’s simple - like the Jonas Brothers differentiating between the two comes down to hair. Hannah is blond, Miley is brunette.

The show Hannah Montana has officially ended, though it still plays on Disney. Miley Cyrus has now officially branched out and started singing as herself. But Jessica, you may ask, is it still o.k. for my kids to listen and watch Miley Cyrus even though she is no longer affiliated with Disney? Good question.

Since gaining her independency from Disney Miley Cyrus has changed slightly in terms of style, aesthetic, attitude, and habits. Miley Cyrus is now playing music that would be popular in dance clubs that young adults would be found in. If you do not think your son or daughter should be going to clubs or listening to club music, Miley’s songs are probably not appropriate.

Lastly I will discuss Taylor Swift. Swift is known for her blond curly hair and acoustic guitar/ country style music. Swift’s style is consistently clean and corky. She is noted for having one 7 AMAs, 5 CMA awards, and 4 Grammys. She has also put out 3 successful albums and is 21 years old this year. Taylor will doubtless be around for years, writing her own songs, and inspiring young tweenyboppers everywhere to be themselves and have fun.

I hope you found this helpful and now the next time you talk to a tween you may actually have something to talk about.


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