Trolls . . .
Had a dream about Trolls last night.

Trolls . . . they’re out there . . .
In my dream, I was in a big bedroom putting away toys when I came across a blue-haired troll doll. For some reason I decided to abuse it, so I threw it up against the wall underneath the bed. Then the troll got up and jumped a couple inches.
My friend came in the room and I was like, “Oh my God, the troll moved!” And she was like, “Really let me see.” She grabbed the troll and held it. Then she placed it on the ground. It didn’t move. She looked and me and said “Huh I guess it doesn’t want to move.” I said, “That’s because you didn’t abuse it like I did.” Then she left.
Then I grabbed the troll again and threw it by its hair against the wall. It stood up and moved again. Then I said, “It moved! I knew it!” Trolls . . .
The rest of the dream was spent with me being paranoid the troll was going to seek vengeance while I was asleep. I also talked with other people about their dreams in my dream but decided my dream was more interesting because it involved Trolls . . .

Trolls . . . they’re out there . . .
In my dream, I was in a big bedroom putting away toys when I came across a blue-haired troll doll. For some reason I decided to abuse it, so I threw it up against the wall underneath the bed. Then the troll got up and jumped a couple inches.
My friend came in the room and I was like, “Oh my God, the troll moved!” And she was like, “Really let me see.” She grabbed the troll and held it. Then she placed it on the ground. It didn’t move. She looked and me and said “Huh I guess it doesn’t want to move.” I said, “That’s because you didn’t abuse it like I did.” Then she left.
Then I grabbed the troll again and threw it by its hair against the wall. It stood up and moved again. Then I said, “It moved! I knew it!” Trolls . . .
The rest of the dream was spent with me being paranoid the troll was going to seek vengeance while I was asleep. I also talked with other people about their dreams in my dream but decided my dream was more interesting because it involved Trolls . . .
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