Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Alright much to talk about. Went to SJ Toastmasters today, feeling pretty good. I was focused and present throughout the meeting. The irst person I talked to was a new member named Britney. She is working at a dry-wall company and took toastmasters when she was in college. I helped her figure out how the time- keeping machine worked.

Josephine, another member, asked me to help her record her speech with a hand-held recorder. Josephine's speech was on the play "The Little Mermaid". She spoke about the movie and the story while also singing songs from it.

Then Bethany asked me to evaluate her evalutation ofJosephine's speech. That's the interesting thing abt Toastmasters. The speechs and the people critiquing the speechs are critiqued. Bethany did a good job commending Josephine for her use pf gestures and voices while also suggesting she not stare at the audience during the dialogue from the movie - as you would watching a seen unfold.

My favorite speeches were Ashkan's because he talked about himself and the various things he likes to do which include physics, surfing, listening to classic rock, and snow boarding. I also liked Dave's speech because he talked about the book "Into th Wild", which is a book my sister has talked about relentlessly.

At the end of the meeting I talked to Dawn whoworks at a stem-cell lab if she could help my sister at all because she wants to become a genetisist. I think Dawn could really help her out.

All in all pretty exciting day. Voted last night. Yes on Props for environmental protection and renewable energy resources. Yes on Prop 19 to legalize marijuana because someone was discussing I and mentioned that we could then grow hemp, which is like bamboo part 2 in terms of the rate it grows and its eco-friendly. It can be used for paper and clothes. What's more Californian than that?

I will say that even if the law passes, it will not be upheld- not for very long anyway- because the federal government will trump laws any sate passes to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The federal law applies all states and one state raising its nd saying they should be treated differently isn't going to change anything -even if the state is widely known to be the "Holland of America" that has essentially socially legalized the use of marijuana.

The only way the change can be made is if California and every other state vote to allow California to legalize it and the majority wins. Then the federal government will have to take it into consideration. It's the government by the people, For the People. If the majority has salient reason to allow California to leagaize marijuana the government should respect that.


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