Boridium Chloride

Gosh I'm bored. It's the Friday of a 3 day weekend and I have nothing to do. BBBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG. I should write in my Storybook #6. Or find a prompt and write something random here.
Prompt: March 23rd. Today is "Penny Day." Many people believe that if you find a penny face up, it might be lucky and you should pick it up. They also believe if you find a penny face down, you should leave it on the ground. What are your thoughts? Do you think there is such a thing as a "lucky penny?"
What are my thoughts about pennies? I know my thoughts are worth pennies. Ummmm . . . I know pennies will be discontinued soon because as I suggested to people years ago pennies are a waste of time and purse space. Sursly. I mean 100 pennies = 1 dollar. ONE DOLLAR! What can you get for a dollar these days? Answer: nada mucho. Anyways, I'm glad pennies will be gone. My sister Emily, on the other hand, thinks pennies are amazing and collects them every five seconds. She has dozens of jars full of them in her room and on her floor. I told her she should take them to Coinstar while they're still worth something, but she says she's collecting them and that they will be valuable one day. Yah. This is the person I'm related to.
As far as the luckyness of pennies is concerned, it's hard for me to say. Em believes hands down that they are lucky. She keeps a penny in her shoe everyday. And, although it may not be penny-related, I must admit ever since birth Em has been a lucky little monkey. I don't know why. I know for me personally, pennies don't help. In fact I've had days where picking up a penny and carrying it around has only made things worse. I don't blame the penny for the bad luck, but I do blame it for raising my hopes and expectations and then dragging them down through the mud when the day turns out to be crap.
I should also note that wishing weeds that you make a wish and blow on, four- leaf clovers, and salt over the shoulder fail at life as well.
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