Posts??? or Blogs???

Are these posts or blogs? Or postblogs? Screw it, I'm mkaing a hybrid. Time for something clever : Promptage!!!
What would have happened if you didn't leave the house this morning?
Well, I would be very dissapointed considering I woke up at 2 A.M. and couldn't go back to sleep. Then around 6:30 A.M. I started to fall back asleep but got up because I knew I had school. So if I never left the house I would have gotten up for nothing which would have made me angry. Then I'd just end up staying at home playing on the computer, watching T.V., and listening to music. A Perfectly Wasted day. Instead, I went to school and presented my artwork along with the other 15 kids in the class. I love my painting! I started out sucking in Basic Painting class, but I just finished this awesome landscape of a lighthouse on rolling greenhills overlooking the sea and a blue sky with clouds. It was magical. Then after we critiqued each others artwork we went to the Triton museum and saw professional artist's work. How do they get there stuff sooooo detailed? Leprechauns . . . that's what it is. They come in the night and do there work for them. Like Dobby on Harry Potter. I need one of those. Anyways, then I went to Italian 3 class. It was same old same old routine and boring. However I did learn key information such as : There's a test next Wednesday. Very important to know. Then I came hom, extremely hungry because I went from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. with no lunch. Ouch. I'm good now though. Thank you Chef Boyardee. U are truely magnificent. Raviolios!!!!!!
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