Saturday, September 25, 2010


That's the theme for next weeks Table Topics. I have issues with table topics because they ask you questions you have to respond to off the top of your head - not my strongest skill. So here are some thoughts I can look back to use on Wednesday. The theme is phobias.

When I think of phobias lots of things come to mind:

Clay Aiken is afraid of kittens and Kelly Ripa once tried to frighten him on The Regis show by showing a newspaper with kittens on the cover to him. She practically shoved it in his face. Cruel.

The Maury show had an episode regarding phobias. One woman was afraid of snakes and by the end of the show she could hold snake boots. Someone was afraid of balloons and another had issues with kittens. Why kittens?

My friend Allison in high school once said it was strange that people have all these fears and phobias, when you'd think the ultimate fear for anyone would be death - not all these different things that could possibl cause harm.

Step-mom has a fear of snakes. Snakes on a Plane came on and she freaked out. She couldn't watch Indiana Jones Either.

My sister has a fear of heights, but she makes fun of me for being araid of sharks. I can stand and look over the edge of a high building, but can't watch Jaws al the way through.

Philosophy class discussed phobias. Thay made an infant afraid of a white rabbt and the phobia transfered to stuffed animals that where white, then to white fabric. Fear spreads.

To overcome a phobia you have to commit to desensitize yourself to it. It's a challenge. I looked in books that had pictures of great whites, I read the book Jaws, I saw most of the movie Jaws witha friend, I bought Jaws Revenge the video game. Still have issues with sharks. Instinct kicks in and I try to look away. I have issues watching commercials for the new movie Piranhas . . . and that's a crapy film.


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