Twitter December 2009

Guess what this is? A continuation of my Twitterspace during the month of December. I'm Jessica88music on there if anyone cares to know. My Twitter
I don't keep track of time - that's what watches are for.
12:51 PM Dec 31st, 2009 from web
There's no such thing as "what if". There is only "what was", "what is", and "what will be".
10:56 AM Dec 30th, 2009 from web
As requoted from John Mayer because it was clever and awesome: "Point taken... and incinerated"
10:55 AM Dec 30th, 2009 from web
4:18 PM Dec 29th, 2009 from web
First there was Ghostbusters . . .then there was Ghost Hunters . . . now prepare to experience: Ghostfacers!
4:18 PM Dec 29th, 2009 from web
Sister got D-Rex the toy. It's slower than molasses, a snail could outrun it, and it makes noises that sound like it just ate a monkey.
3:50 PM Dec 29th, 2009 from web
Why did Vicks decide it needed to make its own flavor for Nyquil? Vicks doesn't taste good and Vicks Nyquil tastes like black licorice. ewws
11:59 AM Dec 29th, 2009 from web
Found out "hiya" is another word for "hello". In that case, "Hiyawatha everyone!"
4:41 PM Dec 28th, 2009 from web
Definition of the Day: Gawkward - when something is gawky and awkward.
3:56 PM Dec 28th from web
Gnocchi. Just when you think you know all the ways potatoes can be prepared, the Italians come along.
3:56 PM Dec 28th from web
Watched "Signs" today. Mel Gibson should have made a mote around his farm and an electric fence. And maybe some sprinklers just to be safe.
6:06 PM Dec 27th from web
Who made the first crop circle? Who said, "Hey I feel like making funny circles in a corn field and blamimng it on the aliens".
6:04 PM Dec 27th from web
Somebody always dies within the first 30 minutes of every Disney movie. Watching "Swan Princess". King William E.T.D. : 30 minutes into film
11:29 AM Dec 27th from web
Definition of the day: punk + dunce = Punce. When someone is being a fool, a bafoon,or a magoo you can call them "punce".
10:31 AM Dec 27th from web
Emily was sick but now she's better. Now I'm sick. I don't like the present Emily gave me.
10:49 AM Dec 26th from web
Is feeling sickly. Time for some nighty Nyquil.
6:26 PM Dec 25th from web
Merry Xmas losers!
9:29 AM Dec 25th from web
Emily is watching a "Flinstone's Christmas" on t.v. How could th Flinstones have a Christmas if they were B.C. ?
2:30 PM Dec 24th from web
Someone should make an easel in the shape of the Eiffel Tower and call it an Easel Tower.
1:18 PM Dec 24th from web
I'm stuck in a well, please tell Lassie.
1:16 PM Dec 24th from web
In other news: Frankie Jonas from the Disney show Jonas is in fact related to the Jonas Brothers. Stay tuned for other important updates.
6:17 PM Dec 23rd from web
Skippy Peanut Butter comes from Arkansas. Pass it on . . .
6:16 PM Dec 23rd from web
@Sarah88w Hey friend! Merry _insert holiday of preference here_.
5:38 PM Dec 23rd from web in reply to Sarah88w
@Sarah88w You found me!
5:01 PM Dec 23rd from web
Avatar is one of the greatest movies I've seen in a long time. I bet Pocahontas wishes she had her own pterodactyl.
4:51 PM Dec 23rd from web
Quote of the day: "When there's a shadow you reach for the sun, when there is love in you look for the one" - Enya "Only If". Random, yes.
4:35 PM Dec 22nd from web
But apprently html links don't work on here. Crap. They worked on blogspot just fine though . . .
4:13 PM Dec 22nd from web
Holy crap I just figured out links! My Youtube Space
4:12 PM Dec 22nd from web
Sarcasm - It's what's for dinner.
3:19 PM Dec 22nd from web - Guess what I made at work yesterday?
3:18 PM Dec 22nd from TwitPic
New slogan for hugs: Embrace the embrace!
9:33 AM Dec 22nd from web
Wow. Rob Thomas tweets a lot. 11 tweets in a 2 hour span. It's like runing a marathon or something. Rest Rob, you need to pace yourself.
9:33 AM Dec 22nd from web
There are actually 4 Rice Crispies elves. There's Snap, Crackle, Pop, and their long-lost-cousin Sploosh.
5:38 PM Dec 21st from web
What are you suppose to say when somebody says "Thanks for letting me assist you"? - "Your Welcome". "No Problem". "Anytime".
9:12 AM Dec 21st from web
In case polar bears try to attack you this season, remember: Stick x Torn Peice of Cloth x Flame + Hairspray = Instant Flamethrower.
6:31 PM Dec 20th from web
I saw a sign that said Christmas Eve and I thought it said Christian Eve. Huh. Wonder why that was.
2:55 PM Dec 20th from web
I saw a red Audi today. Audi's are hot. Audi's are haudis.
2:54 PM Dec 20th from web
I had a bad dream last night. I yelled for my sister to wake me up. She did. Then I awoke from that dream. Sleep is confusing sometimes.
Dec.20 from web
Starbucks and I are married. I don't wear a ring or anything though. We have an unspoken bond of marital status. It's beautiful.
Dec.20 from web
I guess not.
Dec.20 from web
Can I retweet my own tweets?
Dec. 20 from web
My cat eats really fast so he can eat our other cat's food. Because he eats so fast he throws up the food. There's a moral in there somewher
Dec. 19 from web
I was going to say: "Do you ever notice when you go to say something and you forget and nothing comes out", but I didn't get that far.
Dec.19th from web
Do you ever notice . . .
Dec. 19th from web
Rebel Green: "Bad habits are disposable, Good ones are reuseable". Got it from
Dec.19th from web
OMG! Juliette from LOST is pregnant with Santa Claus's baby! (See Santa Claus 3 with Tim Allen)
Dec. 19th from web
How often do penguins ponder their lives?
Dec.19th from web
I feel like watching the look on Simon's face when Susan Boyle first performed. Care 2 join me?
Dec.19th from web
Words are very precious here on Twitter. We must work hard to preserve them through Word Conservation. Can't go over the limit.
Dec.18th from web
I shouldn't waste internet space. I should write something deep and profound here. Marshmellows suck! Oh yah, I said it.
Dec.18th from web
Watching Gran Torino. It's intense. Clint Eastwood rules!
6:30 PM Dec 17th from web
I was just listening to John Michael Montgomery. Now I feel all sappy. It's like I've been kissed by a tree or something.
11:35 AM Dec 17th from web
Dentastic! I think they should paint the ceilings of the dentist's office. That's what you spend most of your time looking at anyway.
3:58 PM Dec 16th from web
Went to the dentist today. The entire time I was thinking "I shall endure!" I didn't cry though. A 4 year old would have cried, but I didnt.
3:58 PM Dec 16th from web
Unless you want to end up living in Wall-E's world, I think we should start banning things that can't be recycled.
11:24 AM Dec 16th from web
So, is the "Prince of Pop" Prince? I need to know so I don't address him informally.
11:15 AM Dec 16th from web
"? of the Day: What disease did cured ham actually have?" I believe that would be swine flu.
5:15 PM Dec 15th from web
Adrien Brody is my new favorite actor, second only to Edward Norton. His Oscar speech was amazing.
3:33 PM Dec 14th from web
I saw Public Enemies. It was amazing, as most movies starring Johnny Depp tend to be. The ending was sad though.
12:32 PM Dec 14th from web
LOST is a great title for that show because that's how I feel whenever i watch it. Someone was thinking outside of the hatch that day.
11:34 AM Dec 13th from web
johncmayer- When someone tells me a story about their past, I like to imagine them reenacting it with a bad wig and period correct clothes.
6:16 PM Dec 12th from Twittelator
Retweeted by you and 100+ others
Listenin to Supatramp- Long Way Home. My wife seems to think I'm losing my sanity and I think she might be right becaus I don't have a wife.
11:18 AM Dec 12th from web
God's showing off again. It's raining and there's a big rainbow strewn across the sky. Show off.
11:16 AM Dec 12th from web
"We are just the mokeys that fell out of the trees when we were trying to fly" - Keane. Quote of the day!
3:52 PM Dec 11th from web
All I can do is what's right by me. All I can say is what I believe.
3:43 PM Dec 11th from web
"If you want to live, let live, if you want to go, let go". A quote from the band Evanescence of all unlikely places.
4:21 PM Dec 10th from web
I wish I was sane so I could know when I'm going crazy.
1:50 PM Dec 9th from web
wow I've never lied in another language before. It's exciting. "Me gustan los libros de 'Twilight'".
1:49 PM Dec 9th from web
Have to memorize a speech for Spanish final. The part of the speech that mentions me liking the Twilight books is throwing me off.
6:52 AM Dec 9th from web
I just realized "Ya Ya Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" is not an actual chick flick, but 2 individual ones. Or are they?
4:19 PM Dec 8th from web
John Doe-a Deer-Not-a-Female-Deer, wants to be my friend on myspace. What do you think Ray-a-Drop-of-Golden-Fun?
10:48 AM Dec 8th from web
I don't care how many times you watch Jurassic Park, you can't get back "extinct".
5:29 PM Dec 7th from web
Train of thought left the station without me again.
5:29 PM Dec 7th from web
Where's Xena's boomerang-frisbee-blade when you need it? 'Cause the radio is really annoying. It's played Lady Gaga 4x's in the last 30 min.
9:35 AM Dec 6th from web
Art Takes Forever.
5:33 PM Dec 5th from web
I *heart music. *The organ not the band.
7:51 AM Dec 4th from web
One benefit of taking art class (besides taking art class itself) it's the only class where you and the teacher can enjoy listening to music
5:26 PM Dec 3rd from web
"Zombies ate my neighbors" wants to be my friend on MySpace. I feel conlifcted because I've already added "I'm the Zombie" as my friend.
7:09 AM Dec 3rd from web
Just to throw them off : Richard Simmons.
3:27 PM Dec 2nd from web
It's weird. It's like when I mention random celebritis people who have similar interests realted to that celebrity follow my tweets.
3:26 PM Dec 2nd from web
Do you think Dr.Phil gives himself self-therapy? I wonder if when he consults himself about it, if he asks "How does that make me feel?"
6:43 AM Dec 1st from web
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