Twitter October 2009

So over in twitterspce not much is going on. I'm currently following 10 people. At any given moment 6 to 10 people are following me. It's pretty exciting. Anywas, here are my twits from the month of October:
I should probably tweet something.
4:03 PM Oct 31st from web
It sucks that I know have to compromise my spelling to fit in what needs to be said on this space.
7:34 AM Oct 29th from web
Flabergstology: the stdy of flabergstation. "Hw falbergsted r u by wht hapned? - I say it reds a 5.7 to the nth degree of flabergastation."
7:34 AM Oct 29th from web
Some people like to say think outisde the box. But I go with Snoopey and just sleep on top of the dog house/ think outisde the rubix cube.
6:55 PM Oct 27th from web
Home is where the heart is, which is for me because I never leave the house without it.
7:40 AM Oct 27th from web
E.T. text home.
7:39 AM Oct 27th from web
As quoted by Emily: Hedgehogs eat bugs . . . duley noted. That girl watchs wayyyy too much Animal Planet.
5:32 PM Oct 26th from web
Has been up since 3 AM. My eyes hate me.
8:24 AM Oct 26th from web
Rule# 45 : See Zombieland. Rule# 76: Laugh really hard during the movie.
5:47 PM Oct 25th from web
They should make Decepticon emoticons for Transformers. Deceptively smiley.
5:42 PM Oct 24th from web
It's good to know I'm not the only crazy person out there. Just kind of assuring. Otherwise I'd be concerned.
12:45 PM Oct 24th from web
Caffeine - drink it while it's legal.
2:49 PM Oct 23rd from web
If your traveling south on a train going 60mph and I'm traveling north ona surfboard with wheels and jet pack how much cooler am I than you?
4:18 PM Oct 21st from web
How secret can a "secret show" be when it's posted on Myspace under the heading: Secret Show.
4:16 PM Oct 21st from web
I was working on ceramics from 2:00 to 5:30 pm. Still not done with my peice. Curses.
6:17 PM Oct 20th from web
Thank you Maxwell Mocha Coffee mix - mixed with some Nesquik. U rule!
7:25 AM Oct 20th from web
I'm watching Goosebumps with my sister and Ryan Gosling is on the episode "Say Cheese and Die"!!! Hilarious.
6:35 PM Oct 19th from web
For the record, I'm a yah I'm a jedi/ninja/pirate/hobbit hybrid. Go yodafrodosamuraicaptainjacksparrow!
4:28 PM Oct 19th from web
Estoy cansada. Spanish at 9 in the A.M. is not bueno
Undocumented Jessica Simpson Moment #34654 : I didn't know fairys had tales!
11:57 AM Oct 18th from web
back home because fog caused a serious delay in landing schedule. Now waiting to go back to the airport. Kinda boring.
10:20 AM Oct 18th from web
Waiting at the airport to pick up parents. Kinda boring.
9:44 AM Oct 18th from txt
I'm up especially early on a Sunday. Tragic.
8:40 AM Oct 18th from web
@Key2007 So now I'm not cool because I spell cool "cool" and not "kool". Well that's not confusing.
8:40 AM Oct 18th from web in reply to Key2007
@Key2007 Yah because when you say "We're Back" the dinosaur movie is "cool" people will automatically think you mean cold not awesome.
5:56 PM Oct 17th from web in reply to Key2007
@Key2007 why do you spell "cool" "kool". isn't "kool" like a cgarette brand or something. Cigarettes are not kool, Kyle. Kick the habit.
4:07 PM Oct 17th from web in reply to Key2007
@Key2007 Hey I've seen that movie! Si if A=B=C, then I must be cool. But wait, Em's seen it too. And Em's not so cool. I need a new equation
10:31 AM Oct 17th from web in reply to Key2007
So far we've established Are You Afraid of the Dark, Goosebumps, and Tales from the Crypt are all classic horror shows.
5:34 PM Oct 16th from web
Holy crap it worked!!!
1:12 PM Oct 16th from web
Trying 2 figure out textnology sucks.
1:12 PM Oct 16th from txt
can't figure out how to text a message to twitter - which is kind of the point of it isn't it? Curse thee technology!!!
1:06 PM Oct 16th from web
@Key2007 Hey Kyle. I just got a Twitter for the same reason. Exciting . . .
6:55 PM Oct 15th from web in reply to Key2007 is my new favorite site.
6:50 PM Oct 15th from web
well this is exciting. it's like facebook all over again - only no videos. soreally it's crappier than facebook all over again.
6:39 PM Oct 15th from web
figuring out how Twitter works. Nice background. It's a good sign.
6:18 PM Oct 15th from web
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